Dear Friend
We are Radio Cancao Nova, a brazilian radio station
- 24 hours a day.
We have been receiving many Radio Reports from
Listening radios around the world. We would like to inform those who make part
of your DX-Club, We have a special program, where We confirm on the air all
radio reports, besides of our special QSL card to confirm it.
We would like to invite you to make part of our
program and ask you inform our frequency and schedule:
Program: Além Fronteiras (Beyound
Every Saturdays: 22:00 to 23:00 (GMT)
AM 1020 khz
SW 49m 6105 kHz -
SW 60m 4825 kHz
SW 31m 9675 kHz
Thank you verymuch for special
Eduardo de Moura (PY2-TP)
Cancao Nova Radio