[DX] Hi radiofolks, this is SWR of Finland...
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[DX] Hi radiofolks, this is SWR of Finland...

SWR is now ready to transmit... Are you ready to listen??? Very special and interesting first Saturday of Aurgust is just beginning.... So.... Ready.... Steady....Go...oooo! 
Time- and frequencytable (some changes might happen)for SWR's Saturday 3rd of August 2002 transmission. (So REMEMBER starting time is: 21 UTC on FRIDAY 2nd) :

Time   Time   48mb 25mb
local    UTC   kHz     khz
00-01 21-22 6170 11690
01-02 22-23 5980 11720
02-03 23-24 5980 11690
03-08 00-05 5980 11720
08-11 05-08 6170 11690
11-18 08-15 6170 11720
18-19 15-16 5980 11720
19-22 16-19 6170 11690
22-23 19-20 6170 11720
23-24 20-21 5990 11690

You can either call or send SMS messages to direct Scandinavian Weekend Radio studio line 0400 995 559 (outside Finland +358 400 995 559) during transmission. To get more info you can visit our web-page: 
http://www.swradio.net .And our e-mail address is: info@xxxxxxxxxxx .

Reception reports are higly appreciated. Send them (with 2 Euros/IRC's/US-$'s) to: SWR Reports, P.O.Box 35, FIN- 40321 JYVÄSKYLÄ, FINLAND.

Brand new 2002-model T-Shirts available
We have just got new SWR T-shirts ready  for sale! The shirts have new pictures and logos both in chest and back. The printing is black, but the shirts are colourful as ever.

SWR EDXC2002 Radio
17th August 2002 Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat will have an extra transmission during EDXC-Conference arranged by FDXA. This European DX Council conference will be held in Pori Western Finland. SWR will be an official radiostation of this meeting.

Best Regards,

DJ MadMan