[DX] Latest Maakeski logs
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[DX] Latest Maakeski logs

Latest loggings from Padasjoki/Asikkala 5-13th August. 
Listening QTH:s are located in the opposite locations by 
the same lake, 3 km:s away from each other. Receivers 
Lowe HF-225 and Yaesu FRG-100. Antennas 100-150 
metres to "every direction". I wish the farmers could 
cut their crop soon so the field could be used for long wire 
purposes again. 

Argentinians were heard on X-band at 0100 UTC 13.8. 
on 1620, 1630, 1660, 1670, and shortly also on 1680. 
No luck with ID:s, but there is no question about 
the origin of signals. 


1107 10.8. 2136- AFN Bavaria, Grafenföfr. Chain-ID:s 
"AM 11-07 and 14-85". Regular AFN sport programme 
from Kaiserslautern was heard on the background.
1440 10.8. 2359- R Beograd. Seems to be one of the 
very few audible Beograd fq:s, if not even the only one.


252 10.8. 2100- RTA Tipaza. Difficult to listen to Algeria
nowadays! This French channel was finally open after 
TeamTalk has closed down. On SW there has been nothing
for a long time.
3270 10.8. 2258- R Namibia. ID:s with myriads of sound effects. 
6045 13.8. 0205- R Zimbabwe, Gweru. This one required 
a bit of work. To expand the south wire to 100 metres seemed 
to do the trick. Promos guaranteed the listener which station 
is the source of most reliable information. 


1557 5.8. 2057- Family Radio, Kou-hu, Taiwan. Looks like 
autumn is coming.
1593 5.8. 2100- Xinjiang RGD. Stabile and powerful signal. 
Lots of telephone numbers were given, but other details 
remained a bit obscure. 
4010 11.8. -1800* Kyrgystan R, Bishkek. Also 4050 was 
again in operation, with a more youth-oriented musical 
5240 12.8. 1630-1650* China Tibet BC, Lhasa. English 
programme "Holy Tibet" told us the height of nearly every 
mountain peak in Tibet. Also //6130//7385. 


4890 5,11.8. etc.  1910- NBC Boroko. Starts the broadcast 
with Radio Australia programme. Waltzing Mathilda at 1958, 
and finally 2000 UTC begins the NBC programme. Very good 


4960 13.8. 0000-  R Cima 100, Santo Domingo. Full ID at 0030.
15039 6.8. 0125-  RFPI. Was audible till late morning. A clear 
improvement compared to previous times when I have listened 
to this. 


5940 11.8. 0030- R Bethel, Arequipa. A simple ID between 
the religious progs.
5996 11.8. 0011- R Melodia, Arequipa. Finally with a decent 
strength. ID after every record.

See you in Saturday in EDXC meeting.

73's Jari Lehtinen, Lahti, Finland

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