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[DX] Kehuja meille
TÃssà terveisià ja pienià kehujakin suomalaisille dx-kuuntelijoille!
Dear Mr. Solatie,
This is to confirm that you did hear KSEN on the morning of January 27,
2003. You would have been listening to a statewide weather report by John
Polaski of the Northern Broadcasting system, based in Billings, Montana. The
local commercial was for Zomar Trucking Company, located in the town of
Conrad, about 25 miles south of here.
I must say you DX listeners are very dedicated to your hobby! I receive one
or two letters each winter, and almost all are from Scandinavia. One reason
KSEN is so hard to pick up is that we are off the air each day from
12:15am-5:30am MT, so you only have a few minutes to "catch" us.
Shelby is a small town of about 2900 people, located about 90 miles north of
Great Falls, Montana, and about 35 miles south of the US/Canada border. Our
local economy is based mostly on agriculture (wheat and cattle) and some oil
and natural gas production. Our local Chamber of Commerce has a website if
you'd like to visit it. www.shelbymontana.org
I would love to visit Finland or Norway one day. I have received so many
nice letters from people like you, I feel I have friends there.
Thanks for your letter, and thanks for tuning into KSEN!
Anne James
Shelby, Montana
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