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Re: [DX] radio tikrit osoite
Voisi kokeilla tuota Iraqi National Accord:in osoitetta.
INA:lla on myös muita osoitteita. Voin etsiä niitä
huomiseksi, jos kiinnostaa. Kotisivu on:
http://www.wifaq.com klikkaa toiseksi ylintä tekstiä
vasemmassa reunassa, niin pääset radion sivulle.
Tällä sivulla puhutaan vain al Mustaqbalista.
Reijo Alapiha
Radio Tikrit
Organization: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. The nature of its
programming, according to Andy Sennitt of Radio Netherlands, suggests that
it is a covert black psychological operation run by the U.S. Central
Intelligence Agency to disrupt Saddam Hussein's domestic media monopoly
through misinformation. According to Egyptian radio monitor Tarek Zeidan
the main male announcer is the same as that on the U.S. psyop station
"Information Radio," which broadcasts from the Commando Solo aircraft.
Programming encourages Ba'ath Party bureaucrats and Republican Guard
officers to abandon Saddam Hussein. Broadcasts are highly critical of the
regime but feature biographies of specific politicians and officers whose
careers were derailed or who were tortured. The Iraqi National Accord,
whose own program called al Mustaqbal is broadcast from the same CIA
facility in Kuwait used by Radio Tikrit and Radio of the Two Rivers, is
suspected to be involved in the preparation of Tikrit programming.
Broadcasts from: 50 kW Harris transmitter in Kuwait administered by the
CIA. Shares airtime with al Mustaqbal and Radio of the Two Rivers.
Languages: Arabic
Identification: (Arabic) Huna Radyu Tikrit
Active: January 2003
Contact Address: P.O. Box 3124, London SW19 1RL, United Kingdom
Tel: (0181) 543 9282 Fax: (0181) 543 2932
e-mail: wifaq_ina@xxxxxxxxxxx
Related Sites: Unknown
Monitored: Jan 03: *1900-2100* 1584 kHz (Fransson-Sweden, Berglund-Sweden,
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 dx.hep@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> kuka tietää radio tikrit posti tai e-mail osoiteen
> vastaus dx.hep@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.susiraja.net Hanki sinäkin itsellesi ilmainen sähköposti susirajalta.
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