[DX] Asikkalan runteluita
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[DX] Asikkalan runteluita

Olen kotona. Runtelin ansiokkaasti kymmenen päivää 
radiota ja itseäni. Loukkaantumisistani en edes puhu, 
mutta sen verran paljastan että kostonhimossani yksi 
kanto sai kyytiä. Ja piristäähän se elämää pudota 
laiturilta veteen vaatteet päällä. Onhan tämä ollut niin 
kylmä kesä, ettei järvessä muuten tarkenisikaan.

Ja sitten loki.


612	27.6.	-2130*	LTU: R Baltic Waves. When this closes down, BBC WS Kiev
appears. I wonder is Sarajevo still here.
675	27.6.	2158	NED: Arrow Classic Rock on old 10FM fq. 1008 vacant. 1395 TWR.
1107	23.6.	2104	D: AFN Bavaria. "The Big Gun".
1107	29.6.	2103	D: AFN Kaiserslautern.
1179	24.6.	2239	E: SER R Rioja, Logrono. A total shock. Sevilla was
nonexistent during local break.
1458	28.6.	1900	ROU: tent. R Vacanta, Constanta. Programme was Radio Ionita
(or something), possibly not even local, and included VOA ID. Was it a
joke? Or was it VOA produced programme? Or is here on the channel a real
VOA station buried somewhere?
1597	24.6.	2010-	ROU: UNID. Disappeared 2040 after playing classical music.
3330	26.6.	1800-	LTU: R Vilnius. 5 x 666.
6195	28.6.	2215-	G: BBC WS. To the record: Worst echo interference I have
heard for a while. Two BBC WS stations on the same fq and BOTH suffered
from echo interference, making reception very weird. Which stations
exactly, I don't know. Worst with south wire.
6260	21.6.	1945	PIR: Ozone R Int.


882	22.6.	2055-	KEN: KBC Kitale. //927,1107,1152.
927	22.6.	-2107*	KEN: KBC Malindi.
1107	22.6.	2040-	KEN: KBC Maralal. 
1152	22.6.	2045-	KEN: KBC Wajir.
1377	often	2010-	TZA: R Free Africa, Mwanza. Some evenings RFA beats France. 
1386	always	2101-2109* KEN: KBC Maralal. A pity that an African with such a
fine signal happens to be on the same fq with Bolshakovo hell machine.
Otherwise this would bring great programme listening into summer night.
3288	20.6.	-1903*	MDG: R Madagasikara, Antananarivo. //5010.
3326	24.6.	-2306*	NIG: FRCN Lagos. 
4765	21.6.	1815-	CGO: R Congo, Brazzaville. 4765 is heard occasionally in
early evening with //5985, but it seems to close after 1900 UTC, leaving
5985 to continue alone. 
4880	20.6.	-1900*	cla: SW Radio Africa. 
4911	25.6.	2015-	ZAM: R Zambia, Lusaka. Funny commercials for Zambia Motors
4915	23.6.	-1906*	KEN: KBC Nairobi. Still alive on SW, but weak and only
here. Africa Horn music and vernaculars. 
4965	20.6.	1850-	ZAM: Christian Voice, Lusaka.
5026	26.6.	1920-	UGA: R Uganda, Kampala. 4976 with different programme.
5047	24.6.	2145-	TGO: R Togo, Lome.
6030	23.6.	0000-	ZAI: R Okapi, Kinshasa. Finally! Music and id:s.
6055	always	1730-1758 RRW: R Rwanda, Kigali. Here is a half-hour window
when Slovakia is off.
6210	20.6.	1710-	ETH: R Fana, Addis Abeba. //6940.
6350	23.6.	1715-	ETH: VO Tigray Revolution, Mekelle.

Hmh, ilmeisesti kuulin myös Keski-Afrikan, mutta onnistuin ¨
dissaamaan sen Tashkentina. Kamerun kun vain suostuisi jollakin 
ilveellä jostain pitkästä aikaa kuulumaan. Tähän yhteyteen sopii 
Toisten TV:ssä nähdyn kamerunilaisen viihdeohjelman surullinen 
sketsi: "Kamerun on kuin uskonto. Mietin vain että miksi uskontoja 
on niin paljon?" Eikä edelleenkään mitään havaintoja Qataristakaan. 


1233	23.6.	2030	CYP: RMC Cape Greco. "Ar Am Zaa" was the id...
1314	26.6.	2106-	UAE: BBC via UAE R Dabiyah. RAI underneath. NRK off!
1440	28.6.	2140-	ARS: BSKSA Damman. I am positive that Radio One, Tanzania,
was under here, but Saudi was the only ID I got. After 2300 only R Beograd
was noted here. 
1521	26.6.	2100-	ARS: BSKSA Duba.
4820	26.6.	-1746*	IND: AIR Calcutta,
9745	26.6.	1630-	BHR: R Bahrain. A very difficult one. Always in a pinch
thanks to neighboroughs.
19010	always	1300-	cla: "Azagi Radio". Supposedly this has something to do
with R Free Afganistan.

4790	25.6.	2027-	INS: RRI Fak-Fak. This one was a total surprise too.
15476	20,26.6.1935-	ATA: LRA36 R Arcangel San Gabriel. Traditional
midsummer-station. Not on air every day!


1600	27.6.	2348-	B: R 9 de Julho, SP.
3205	27.6.	2300-	B: R Ribeirao Preto. 
3310	25.6.	2340-	BOL: R Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba. 
3390	26.6.	-0034*	tent. BOL: R Camargo. USB absolutely necessary thanks to
4410	22.6.	0022-	BOL: R Eco, Reyes.
4747	30.6.	-0104*	PRU: R Huanta 2000, Huanta.
4760	30.6.	0120-	???: unid. Tingo Maria active again? There was a pseudo-id
- pseudo, because it can be understood differently as well. Only talk
programme. Disappeared while I listened to Sicuani.
4795	21.6.	-0230*	B: R Dif Aquidauana.
4797	21,24.6.2311-	BOL: R Mallku, Uyuni. Comunicados. ID said 4795
kilociclos. Great reception.
4826	30.6.	0127-	PRU: R Sicuani. No more night transmissions from LV de la
Selva? Haven't heard it for ages.
4845	24.6.	-0200*	B: R Cultura Ondas Tropicais, Manaus. "Boa noite, Manaus,
Boa noite, Amazonas, Boa noite, Brasil".
4876	24.6.	2307-	BOL: La Cruz del Sur, La Paz.
4925	21.6.	2330-	B: R Educacao Rural, Tefe. 
4930	24.6.	2315-	BOL: R San Miguel, Riberalta.
4945	26.6.	0025-	B: Em Rural A Voz do Sao Francisco, Petrolina.
4955	CANCEL: RN de Colombia. The "nacional-style" programme actually was
religious style with 30 minutes segments of various programmes of various
"Difusoras Nacionales". Thanks to Glenn, who made me check it out again. 
4955	30.6.	0030	However, no ID of the station itself. This one appears
always with Huanta 4747 so Cultural Amauta would make a perfect candidate.
4965	22.6.	0005-	PRU: R Santa Monica, Cusco.
5015	30.6.	-0200*	B: R Pioneira de Teresina. Suffered from Turkmenistan-QRM.
5025	22.6.	0031-	PRU: R Quillabamba.
5580	21.6.	0155-	BOL: R San Jose, San Jose de Chiquitos. Canned echo-ID.
5940	26.6.	0100-	PRU: R Bethel, Arequipa.
5953	often	2230-	BOL: R Pio Doce, Siglo Veinte.
5955	21.6.	0301	B: R Gazeta, SP. A surprise catch. Many years this fq has
been blocked by Europeans. 
5980	21.6.	0251	B: R Guaruja, Florianopolis.
6000	21.6.	2140-	B: R Guaiba, Porto Alegre.
6042	22.6.	0108-	PRU: R Melodia, Arequipa.
6135	22.6.	-2200*	B: R Aparecida. This one didn't want to send A Voz do
6215	often	2345-	ARG: R Baluarte, Puerto Iguazu.
6587	21.6.	0145-	BOL: R Nueva Esperanza, El Alto.
15039	24.6.	1535-	CRC: RFPI. Unusual time, but not a trace from Imperial at
any time.


15560	26.6.	-2205*	???:UNID. New type of agent code? Electronic melody
message. 9 similar notes as an end mark. I have never heard anything like

As they always say after the vacation: I need a vacation.

Nyrjähdyksiä ja mustelmia kaikille, 

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