Re:: [DX] TWR 1467
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Re:: [DX] TWR 1467

Moi Dmitry ja kiitos tiedoista.
Kuten Jim jo ehti sanoa, on mukava saada sinut
mukaan tälle postituslistalle.
Onkohan kukaan monitoroinut, mitä kieliä TWR lähettää
tuon 1615 Kazakhin jälkeen.
Tänään en ehtinyt 1630 UTC aikoihin kuin pari kertaa
pikaisesti tsekata jaksoa 1467, eikä ainakaan tuolloin
korviini sattunut englantia.
On 11 Sep 2003 Dmitry Mezin wrote:
Re: [DX] TWR 1467
>Hei Jari et al,
>Luulen, että sinä kuuntelit ohjelmaa Bishkekistä, via Radio Extol.
>Here's what has been recently published in the 108th edition of Signal
>= = = = =
>1467, Trans World Radio, 22 Aug, 1555 and later. Broadcast in Russian,
>relayed via Radio Extol in Bishkek. SIO 333. After 1606 some interference
>appeared, caused by CRI, also in Russian. The latter was not
>parallel to its
>SW outlets, for instance 13655 kHz. That was a relay via Grigoriopol,
>TWR switched to Kazakh language at 1615. And CRI continued in Russian till
>1628, when female voice announced that the broadcast went on the waves of
>World Radio Network. Operator in Grigoriopol apparently forgot to
>switch the
>transmitter off on time, so I had the chance to listen to the beginning of
>Radio Polonia broadcast that followed. Signed off at 1632. (Alexei
>Kulinchenko, Kazan, Russia)
>= = = = =
>AFAIK, MW broadcasts via Bishkek are pre-recorded, therefore not
>parallel to
>any SW frequency.
>(My Finnish is not so good to translate all that, anteeksi!!!)
>> 10/9 1645 kuului jaksolla 1467 TWR-ohjelmaa englanniksi.
>> Vähän ennen tasaa sitten Maiac (kai) aloitti viritysoperaatiot,

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