[DX] Pauketta auringossa
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[DX] Pauketta auringossa

Kuten useimmat lienevät kuulleet uutisistakin, auringosta on
tulossa uusi purkaus maata kohti.

Tässä Spaceweather.com'in näkemys asiasta:

"One of the most powerful solar flares ever recorded erupted this morning
near giant sunspot 486.  The explosion hurled a coronal mass ejection
(CME) directly toward Earth.  Bright auroras could appear when the
fast-moving cloud sweeps past our planet--perhaps as early as tonight.
High-latitude sites such as New Zealand, Scandinavia, Alaska, Canada and
US northern border states from Maine to Washington are favored, as usual,
but auroras could descend to lower latitudes, too.

Not all CMEs trigger auroras.  Several, for instance, have swept past
Earth in recent days without causing widespread displays.  It all depends
on the orientation of tangled magnetic fields within the electrified cloud
of gas.  This CME is no exception.  It might cause auroras, or it might
not.  We will find out when it arrives."

"EXTREME SOLAR ACTIVITY: One of the most powerful solar flares in years 
erupted from giant sunspot 486 this morning at approximately 1110 UT. The 
blast measured X17 on the Richter scale of solar flares. As a result of 
the explosion, a severe S4-class solar radiation storm is underway. Click 
here to learn how such storms can affect our planet. The explosion also 
hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) toward Earth. When it left the sun, 
the cloud was traveling 2125 km/s (almost 5 million mph). This CME could 
trigger bright auroras when it sweeps past our planet perhaps as early as 

Tuorein tieto Spaceweatherin sivuilta:

"IMPACT: The coronal mass ejection described below has reached Earth (at 
approximately 0630 UT on Oct. 29th) and apparently triggered a strong 
geomagnetic storm. Red auroras have been spotted as far south as central 
California. Stay tuned for updates"

Tuorein WWV-keliennuste:

Product: Geophysical Alert Message wwv.txt
:Issued: 2003 Oct 29 0605 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment Center
#          Geophysical Alert Message
Solar-terrestrial indices for 28 October follow.
Solar flux 274 and mid-latitude A-index 20.
The mid-latitude K-index at 0600 UTC on 29 October was 3 (21 nT).

Space weather for the past 24 hours has been severe.
Solar radiation storms reaching the S4 level occurred.
Radio blackouts reaching the R4 level occurred.

Space weather for the next 24 hours is expected to be severe.
Geomagnetic storms reaching the G4 level are expected.
Solar radiation storms reaching the S4 level are expected.
Radio blackouts reaching the R3 level are expected.

Nämä on nyt tietenkin kaikkien luettavissa ao. nettisivuilta, mutta
laitanpa nämä tänne mielenkiinnon (?) takia...

Mutta olisi mielenkiintoista kuulla, miten tietyt AM-asemat kuuluvat
eri puolilla Suomea. Kertokaapa, miten esmes NRK 1314 kuuluu myrskyn 
aikana. Muutenkin voisitte kuvailla eurooppalaisten AM-asemien
kuulumista/kuulumattomuutta pimeän tultua.

73's, ARK

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