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[DX] Taustaksi R Finland -keskusteluun
Radio Finlandin mahdolliset aikeet lopettaa lyhytaaltolähetykset ovat
nostattaneet suuria tunteita. Tässä tammikuussa ilmestynyt uutinen, joka
mielestäni kertoo, millainen vaikutusvalta meillä DX-kuuntelijoilla on
näissä asioissa:
Radio Denmark will cease all shortwave broadcasts on 31st December. They
say that there is falling interest in the service. Internet streams of
all regional programmes, as well as the national networks, will be
established and Danish expatriates will be able to subscribe to a free
service offering a CD every 14 days containing 10-20 hours of radio
programmes. (A9edia Network) Stig Hartvig Neilsen and myself,
representing both Danish DX clubs, told the Danish Radio Director, at
two meetings in June/July, that the present number of broadcasts and the
number of transmitters per broadcast could be reduced and that sites
other than Norway could be used, resulting in great cost savings. We
were asked to draft letters accordingly. However the Director did not
even mention this in his recommendation to the Minister of Culture, when
he asked for permission to close the service. (Anker Petersen, Denmark,
DX Window via DXLD)
Heikki Aarrevaara
Managing editor, Radiomaailma magazine
Finnish DX Association, P.O. Box 454, FIN-00101 Helsinki, FINLAND
Tel. +358-9-693 2517, fax +358-9-694 9017
Tsekkaa HCDX:n uusi www sivu: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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