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[DX] FM Afrikan sarvesta & radioturismia
Jouduttuani Samin postituslistalle noteerasin viimeisimmän viestin tarkoitetuksi julkaistavaksi. Liekö tuo Galkayon FM linkki vai painovirhe - no dx-turisteille tässä kuitenkin uusi maa ja jos ham-lisenssi, niin myös operoitavaksi...
Sam Voron:
Sam Voron in Galkayo, Central Somalia who has been walking the streets day
and night for 3 months without security says the town is open for tourists
looking for a holiday with a difference.
There are 2 radio stations- Radio Daljir a private radio on 103MHz FM and it
also has a ham radio station and bed. There is access to a 60meter giant
tower and while you enjoy talking on the air your famaily can be shown the
sites by Somali trusted amateur radio operators.
Also available 24 hours is the Radio Galkayo community radio station on
79.5MHz FM and 6.980MHz short wave also with an amateur radio station.
Visitors from around the world are welcome to come and enjoy broadcasting on
the radios or communicating on the amateur radios.
Visitors can make arrangements to be met at the airport with a Visa.
Overseas visitors with any level of amateur radio license qualify for the
Somalia Visitor amateur radio license and more details on these Somalia
licenses can be found on www.radiogalkayo.com
Sam Voron first got interested in Somalia when he was asked to visit in 1993
to set up Radio Galkayo. He has visited many times since and currently
establishing the new Radio Daljir FM station.
Galkayo is now the first and currently only town in Somalia with amateur
radio stations.
Sam donated his to establish the Radio Daljir amateur radio club and the
wife of an Australian ham who passed away this year donated that equipment
which made possible the formation of the Radio Galkayo amateur radio club.
Both amateur radio club stations are available for the use of foreign
visitors who hold an amateur radio operators license.
Sam Voron VK2BVS/ SIX OSCAR ZERO ALFA in Galkayo, Central Somalia.
Tarmo Kontro
Kymenlaakso Polytechnic
PL 13
FIN-48231 Kotka
+358 44 7028 342
fax +358 5 2208209
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