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[DX] Re Sudan
The new south Sudan shortwave station starts testing on 9310 kHz.
>From http://splmtoday.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2228
"Test Transmission Radio Voice of New Sudan
28 June 2004, New Site
The Voice of New Sudan, a new radio station based in southern Sudan, will
start broadcasting a test transmission today 28th June 2004.
The Voice of New Sudan, a new radio station based in southern Sudan, will
start broadcasting a test transmission today on 9.31 mghtz on 31 meter band.
Exact testing times have not been confirmed but listerners can tune in at
around 6 to 8 am and 4 to 6 pm (Yei time).
The broadcast will be widely heard in Africa and may extend to Europe and
the Middle East in due time.
In due time, listerners in the rest of the world could listen to the
broadcast through the internet.
Listerners can write the Voice of New Sudan through:
voiceofnewsudan@xxxxxxxxxxx "
The transmitter site is most probably "New Site". Jeremy Groce of SRS kindly
advised me
the location of "New Site" as follows:
The SPLM has a sort of base at what is commonly referred to as New Site,
just southeast of a village called Narus. This is in Eastern Equatoria
region of southern Sudan, just over the border with Kenya, about halfway
between Lokichoggio (Kenya) and Kapoeta (Sudan).
If the Voice of New Sudan qth is "New Site", that's also the home of Radio
Let's keep our ears on 9310 kHz.
Jari Savolainen
Tsekkaa HCDX:n uusi www sivu: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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