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[DX] Re Sudan 9310
And here is the latest inside engineering info about the
south Sudan station "Voice of New Sudan" 9310 kHz
received a few minutes ago (14 July 2004):
"Dear Jari:
The New Sudan is not testing at the moment. We did run tests for three days
and then had to stop due to some transmitter parts we need shipped from the
manufacturer. I am leaving today to return to South Sudan and we should be
testing again starting next Monday or Tuesday.
The site is called "New Site" as is located near Narus in the south and
about 1 kilometer from the Voice of Peace.
Please keep listening as we are anxious to get any reports. We will probably
test during the daytime hours to start with between 10AM and 6 PM local
Sudan time. (+3UTC).
The transmitter is a 50 kW new Elcor transmitter from Costa Rica. The
antenna is an omni all band dipole. Hope this helps."
Jari Savolainen
Tsekkaa HCDX:n uusi www sivu: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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