Re: [DX] Nauhoittamisesta?
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Re: [DX] Nauhoittamisesta?
Olen jonkin aikaa pohtinut Sonyn minidisc-sanelimen ostoa (esteenä vain hinta - Saksassa 399E). Siinä olisi myös käsittääkseni portaaton säätö. Samoin tietyn kohdan toisto. Ainoastaan pöytämalleissa oleva 6 sekunnin puskurimuisti puuttuu. Liekö kellään kokemuksia tästä pikkuvempeleestä.
> Moi
> Muttei taida olla MD laitetta jossa olisi portaaton hidastus/nopeutus. Minulla oli yksi C kasetti laite jossa oli tämä toiminta.?
> T: JPI
Sony's MZ-B100 MiniDisc Business Recorder will satisfy all of your professional recording needs. Stereo recording with a built-in stereo flat microphone provides convenient recording versatility in a variety of situations. Its small size makes this lightweight unit easy to transport and use almost anywhere. Additional features include multiple record modes that enable up to 320 minutes of recording time using standard MiniDiscs, voice-operated recording, long battery life, record and playback speed control, and multiple track marks which electronically mark points during recording sessions for later reference. Includes remote control, headphones, hand strap, and carrying pouch.
Stereo recording with built-in stereo flat microphone
Multiple record modes with up to 320 minutes recording time
Voice-operated recording (VOR)
Long battery life
Playback speed control (-20%/+10%)
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