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Re: [DX] Vaiheistamisesta vielä
Quoting alapiha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
> Jos joku on kiinnostunut, niin tästä
> löytyy passivinen vaiheistaja.
> http://dx-sound.hp.infoseek.co.jp/psu.htm
> Reijo Alapiha
> Joensuu
> Tsekkaa HCDX:n uusi www sivu: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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Käänsin tekstin babelfish translaattorilla:
Phase Shift Unit
It weakens the disturbance wave by changing phase, synthesizing, the antenna of
2 types makes the intended wave surface.
As a commercial item, there is a JPS corporation ANC-4 and a MFJ corporation
MFJ-1026 etc. in this kind, but easily it will be to cause problem such as
cross modulation because the meager amplifier has entered into the circuit,
The circuit where it shows below removed the part for the active antenna from
the circuit WA1ION/Mark Connelly having devised & producing, tried completing
Phase Shift Unit figure
< Production >
In this circuit the ferrite glasses core which is used in trance is special. µ
=2000/AL=8500 it is the thing in the type turn, B202-73. As one for long wave,
it has become winding several kind of setting which can be used, but when is
just medium frequency, connecting FB801-43 with 2 adhesives, it probably will
complete also the fact that it uses, is. In that case the frequency of proper
winding changes and it meaning that hole diameter is small, it may suffer
hardship in the coil, is, but...
Because volume for antenna gain and Null adjustment adjustment is very delicate,
it is good to use the potentiometer of multiple revolution type, probably will
< Use >
Passive being to be type, there is a loss in that appearance. Approximately -10
- About -20dB probably will be? Because that it is, it is about to want the
pre-amp in the front step or the latter part of Phase Shift Unit.
Local when it tries using at bureau, it depends on also condition -10 - -30dB it
could obtain Null but generally in. Nevertheless adjustment is delicate. ????
of distant bureau, in the kind of signal which is done Null is adjusted and it
is very difficult to be packed, is.
Perhaps local it has been audible, method of kind of using which makes the
bureau come up where with the shadow is best.
Whether some there is an effect,tell the sample it does. It tried receiving
nighttime 810kHz in here Saitama. As for use antenna 30m wire (AntA: Main) with
loop antenna (AntB: Sub) is. Also both antennas connecting directly in the
receiver, it is the monopoly of AFN.
Between of state and the next 6 seconds which from first Null were adjusted to
5th second Null unadjusted state, is the sound where last 5 seconds is the Null
continuing resolution. You think that it is recognized that instantaneously
from Russian it changes to English. Though cutting AFN, if it just receives
Russia, if you use loop and K9AY, is to be completed, but.. .
< Reference material >
"Passive Broadband Phasing including Mini-DXP-5 phasing unit design" by Mark
Connelly and WA1ION,: '04/Apr 14.
Reijo Alapiha
Tsekkaa HCDX:n uusi www sivu: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at http://dsl.org/copyleft/dsl.txt