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[DX] Miksei aina nain? Radio Brest, Belarus 69,44 MHz
Miksei vastaus voi olla aina tallainen? Katso erityisesti kolmas kappale!
> Hello!
> My name is Sergey Misijuk, and I am programming director of Radio
> Brest.
> Naturally, we were more than surprised reading you letter. But to hear
> our jingles recorded at a place which is quite far away from Belarus
> was even more fascinating and touching. Thus thank you very much for
> these warm feelings brought by your letter.
> I would like to know what kind of confirmation is considered valid and
> reassuring for your DX community. Should it be an official letter of a
> certain form or anything else? Should it be sent by usual mail or it
> can be emailed? Just let me know in certain words and I will
> provide you with the confirmation you need.
> Sincerely yours,
> Sergey Misijuk
> Radio Brest
> Republic of Belarus
Taytyy vastata Sergeylle, etta kelpuutan vastaukseksi vain sellaisen, jossa
on nelivarikortti, t-paita, lippis, kahvimuki, viiri ja tarroja. Lisaksi
mukana olisi syyta olla vahintaan kilo paikallista tummaa suklaata ;)
PS. Jos haluat kuunnella muutamia hyvia audioklippeja nailta marraskuun alun
tropoilta, niin laita meilia. Koko on hieman toista megaa.
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