Re: [DX] Portugalia 4990 kHz?
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Re: [DX] Portugalia 4990 kHz?

Quoting alapiha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

> Parina iltana kuului portugalia taajuudella
> 4990 kHz n. 19.30 UTC. Laitoin nauhallekin,
> mutta en ole kerinnyt vielä kuuntelemaan. Tietääkö
> joku, mikä tässä nyt on?  Afrikkalainen?
> Reijo Alapiha
> Joensuu

Löysimpä vastauksen itsekin, kun selailin vähän
DX uutisia:
UNIDENTIFIED [non]. Brazilian last night (Sun 7th May) on 4990 (or a 
shade above, say 4990.02). Heard from 2150 tune-in but seemed to 
disappear at 2204. Weak and noisy. Definitely Portuguese (not Dutch or 
Spanish) and typical echoey talk. Fanfare at end(?) of programme 2200 
- mentioned "programa 'Sol da ter'.." and possible mention of Goiania. 
But no ID copied. Any one know what this could be? 73 (Alan 
Pennington, Caversham, UK, AOR 7030+, longwire, dxldyg via DX 

Alan, someone in Japan was also puzzled by this "Brazilian" station a 
short time ago. I suggest that it is actually CVC International via 
Meyerton according to an item from Radio Bulgaria DX Mix News of April 
28th. They report that CVC operates on 4990 via MEY 100 kW non-
directional to Ce&SoAfrica in Portuguese at 1905-2205. This is a new 
frequency instead of former 9620. The "disappearance" of the signal at 
2204 coincides with the reported sign-off. 73s from (Noel R. Green 
(Blackpool), ibid.) 

Thanks to Noel - eventually found the Christian Voice schedule on the 
Sentech website which tallies (Portuguese definitely sounded Brazilian 
rather than African though!): 

0515-1545 9555 100 Southern Africa English 
0600-0900 9805 100 Mozambique Portuguese 
1905-2200 4990 100 Southern Africa Portuguese 
(Alan Pennington, ibid.)

Perhaps this Portuguese programming comes from the CVC Brazilian 
service in Miami. When you have such an unID you ought to go right to 
the DXLD archive and search on the frequency (Glenn Hauser, DXLD)


Reijo Alapiha 
Ennakkotilaa WRTH 2006 nyt:
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