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[DX] Kiinalaista - niin kiinalaista
Tässä pikakurssi kiinalaisista IDeistä ja numeroista - netistä poimittuna:
Binhai Tai = Coast Station
Guangbo Diantai = Broadcasting Service
Guangbo Gongsi = Broadcasting Corporation
Jiaoyu Tai = Educational Station
Jiankang Guangbo = Health Radio
Jingji Guangbo Diantai = Economic Broadcasting Service
Jingji Pinlu = Economic Channel/Frequency
Jingji Wenyi Tai = Economic Literature Station
Jiaotong Guangbo = Traffic Broadcast/Radio
Nongcun Guangbo = Village (Rural) Broadcast/Radio
Renmin Guangbo Diantai = People's Broadcasting Service
Shenghuo Diantai = Life channel
Tiyu Guangbo = Sports Radio
Wang = Network
Weixing Guangbo = Satellite Broadcast
Wenyi Tai = Literature and Art Station
Xinwen Tai = News Station
Yinyue Guangbo = Music Radio
Zhangcheng Guangbo = Great Wall Broadcast/Radio
Zhi Sheng = Voice of ...
- Chengshi zhi Sheng = Voice of the City
Zhongguo = China
Zhongyang = Central
Zheli shi Riben Guoji Guangbo Diantai, NHK Huanqiu Guangbo Wang (Here is Japan International Broadcasting Station, NHK World Broadcasting Network)
pinlu = frequency
duanbo = shortwave
zhongbo = Medium Wave
diaopin = FM
qianhe = KiloHertz
zhaohe = MegaHertz
Frequencies are usually read digit by digit.
0 = ling2 ;
1 = yi1 (sounds like "ee"; in telephone numbers this is replaced by "yao1". This can be heard quite often in frequency announcements too.
2 = er4 ; sounds like "ahr"
3 = san1 ;
4 = si4 ;
5 = wu3 ; sounds like "oo"
6 = liu4; sounds like "leo"
7 = qi1 ;sounds like "she"
8 = ba1 ;
9 = jiu3 ; sounds like "geo"
10 = shi2 ;
11 = shi2-yi1 ;
12 = shi2-er4 ;
20 = er4-shi2 ;
21 = er4-shi2-yi1 ;
100 = yi4-bai3 ; sounds like "eebah"
1000 = yi4-qian1 ; sounds like "eechien"
Time announcements
The word for time is "shijian" and for "o'clock" "dianzhong". However, when the time is announced on the hour, zhong is replaced by zheng, to indicate "exactly."
The Chinese time announcement most commonly heard is the one on all mainland Chinese stations at top of the hour: here an example: "Beijing shijian er-shi-yi dianzheng" (21 o'clock)"
The time announcement as heard on the Taiwanese BCC is the following:
"Zhongyuan biaozhun shijian jiu dianzheng" "Zhongyuan" is used as a concept to indicate Chinese territory and "biaozhun" means standard, so the time announcement would be something like "Chinese standard time, 9 o'clock."
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