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Re: [DX] Tanska ja Irlanti vaikenevat?
Ilm. pientä epätarkkuutta oli tuossa uutisessa:
> The decision to "Close Radio 1 Medium wave", i.e. 567, is mentioned
> in the document RTÉ's Guiding Principles published in November 2006
> (http://www.rte.ie/about/guidingprinciples2006.pdf).
So what about the denial they sent out? Lack of internal
communication or perhaps just weasel wording (no plan to shut down
mediumwave "at this point")?
Got this info passed on today:
CCN Ireland, Radio Maria:
Leasing from RTE, 612 with 10kw initially from Summerhill then switching to
Tullamore at end 2008 when RTE ceases broadcasting in AM and using 612 with
100kw. Switching to 567 in 2009. Whilst at Summerhill also use 1278 Cork
Spirit Radio:
Instead of leasing from RTE, have purchased their own site near Athlone.
Would use 612 with 100kw and a DRM capable transmitter.
Would later add 25kw transmitters on 675 for South West Ireland and on 549
for North West Ireland.
UCB Ireland
Same as CCN and Radio Maria except they don't propose any initial period at
Yes Radio
Use a 25kw transmitter from their current site in County Monaghan on 549
(this is the one that, until last year, was relaying UCB without a licence.
After three years use a second site with 25kw, details of this site and it's
frequency are in the confidential section of its
Posted on Yahoo message board via James Robinson (9/1-2007)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lintujärvi Pentti" <Pentti.Lintujarvi@xxxxxxxx>
To: "Suomalaisten DX-lista" <dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: [DX] Tanska ja Irlanti vaikenevat?
RTE:n virallinen kanta on tämä Herman Boelin juuri saaman tiedon mukaan:
"Hi all,
I just got the following interesting answers from RTE:
1) Yes we do still broadcast RTE Radio 1 on 729 kHz with an ERP of 10kW.
2) RTE has no plan to shut down either 567 or 729 at this point in time.
3) RTE has no plan to shut down LW on 252 kHz at this point in time,
and of course we are looking at DRM as a possibility among others.
- Herman -"
73 de PUL
>-----Original Message-----
>From: dx-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:dx-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Hannu Romppainen
>Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 6:34 PM
>To: Suomalaisten DX-lista
>Subject: [DX] Tanska ja Irlanti vaikenevat?
>Tanskan LW-asema 243 kHz lopettanee tulevana keväällä, mutta
>MW-asema 1062 kHz on jatkamassa toimintaansa. Näin kerrotaan
>Tanskan suunnalta. Olisin luullut toisin päin.
>Vaikka Brittein saarilla ollaankin perinteisesti
>patavanhoillisia, niin muutoksen tuulia on sielläkin tulossa.
>Uusimpien huhujen mukaan Irlannin RTE aikoo nimittäin sulkea
>vuoden 2007 lopussa lähettimet 567 ja 729 kHz. Todelliset
>kaukoasemat kuuluvat jatkossa entistä paremmin, jos euroasemat
>vaikenevat keskiaalloilla yksi toisensa jälkeen.
>73's Hannu
>Luukku Plus paketilla pääset eroon tila- ja turvallisuusongelmista.
>Hanki Luukku Plus ja helpotat elämääsi. http://www.mtv3.fi/luukku
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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