[DX] QSL-policy of Scandinavian Weekend Radio
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[DX] QSL-policy of Scandinavian Weekend Radio

Dear listeners,
Here are few (my personal) thoughts and facts about reception reports and verifications of Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat.
For several reasons during years there has gathered quite a lot of unanserwed reports to our mailbox. I have now worked with them and all older reports from 2004 until end of 2006 has been now worked and QSL's are coming those who are waiting them. Also rest of QSL's (Jan-March 2007) will be sent during next week.
Some words about reception reports:
Reports has been mainly quite good but still among them has been:
1. A couple of fakes....(not many) Wrong listening dates, no details or obviously details taken from some log-sources...
2. In some reports there has been some other stations listened and thought it to be SWR.... Also at least one too optimistic listener has sent a report with cd which included mostly silence, noice and humming... Ok, there was also a little time very tiny voices of female person.... Actually couldn't hear a word from her... But these voices was not from our transmitter for sure...
3. Some quite difficult reports with too poor details has came as well. In these it has taken hours and hours to try to solve was it us or not....
Some rules for reception reports:
1. Do not forgot add fee of 2 EUR (coin/Finnish stamps), 2 IRC's (=valid and correctly stamped in post as well) or 2 US$.
2. Enough correct excactly timed program details (names of musicpieces/artists played, excact details of speech etc). If you think it is not possible to know was it us from your written report then, please enclose a record made from program (C-cassette, CD, MD). If you can hear us there we can do the same for sure!
3. Normal listening data: Correct listening dates and times in UTC, frequency, SINPO, interference-noice sources, equipments used. And of cource listening place and your address.
4. Post your report so soon than possible. In future it would take a. 1-1,5 months for a QSL.
Best greetings,
Scandinavian Weekend Radio
Reports/ Alpo Heinonen
P.O.Box 99
34801 VIRRAT
Ennakkotilaa WRTH 2007 nyt:
DX mailing list

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