[Swlfest] 2010 Fest Forum Schedule (Final... we think, unless it isn't.)
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[Swlfest] 2010 Fest Forum Schedule (Final... we think, unless it isn't.)

2010 Winter SWL Fest Forums Schedule (Final…. At least we think so.)

All times EST.  All forums 60 min. unless otherwise noted.

Friday 5 March 2010

0900 – Netbooks, Smartphones and Cloud Computing: New Tools for the Hobby (Skip Arey) - The forward thinking DXer needs to run with the times and use all the tools available. Uncle Skip covers the new technologies and how it can and does help us to play radio better.

1015 – The Free Radio Forum (George Zeller) - The volume of “pirate” broadcasting set new records during the past year. Learn how to hear these intriguing signals--even during the Fest, if one were to know. This year we are pleased to feature a veteran of licensed broadcasting and the Free Radio Network, Pat Murphy, as well as a representative from WBCQ, the chief 50 KW relay source for pirate radio programming via the Area 51 block on 5110 kHz. License optional. [90 min.]

1330 – Scanning for Fun and Profit (Tom Swisher) - Join those lovable (?!) scamps, the Scum, for an exploration of the wide and varied possibilities from DC to Daylight. It could be anything, so stay tuned...

1500 - SW and Ham Radio in WWII (Lisa Spahr) – The author discusses her book, World War II Radio Heroes: Letters of Compassion, about the Short-Wave Amateur Monitors Club (SWAM). More than 60 short-wave listeners and hams sent word to her family that her grandfather had been taken prisoner in N. Africa in 1943. Spahr set out to find them and highlight their role.

1630 - Archiving Radio: Documenting the Present, Perserving the Past (Dan Robinson) - Richard Cuff, David Goren, Dan Robinson, and Michael Pool explore the art and history of capturing the sounds of the medium and shortwave bands, using examples from their personal archives. Topics include: Recording techniques and equipment; time- shifted listening; rescue & preservation of collections; online repositories; thoughts about establishing a permanent home for medium & shortwave audio recordings.

2030 - The Shortwave Shindig, formerly The Listening Lounge (David Goren) - Can a Listening Lounge by any other name sound as sweet? 10-4 Good Buddy! Grab a quart of your favorite tuning oil and open your ears to the finest in archival audio. We'll have a roundup of the most interesting sounds of the past year featuring Radio Zanzibar, Iran's Voice of Justice, Radio Canada's Northern Quebec Service, All India Radio, as well as stations from Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru. But wait! There's more! We'll also feature audio memorials for radio-art pioneers Maryanne Amacher, & Max Neuhaus; live musical performances from Saul Brody, Skip Arey, Marty Peck, and Jack Widner; plus special presentations and gems from the Shortwaveology archives. [Warning: Could last til dawn.]

Saturday, 6 March 2010

0900 - Global Tuner Network/Remote Internet Radios (Tim Lemmon) - Tim explains and demonstrates the many benefits of FREE online Internet radios for all who can't receive shortwave from their homes. The audience will decide which global radios to use, and what frequencies to hear. He’ll wrap up with a live two-way HF contact using an Internet remote base radio.

1030 - International TV DXing via the Web (Joe Buch) - The growing availability of broadband internet access now allows those of us who once tried to listen to foreign SW news broadcasts to view English language TV newscasts from places like Canada, Ireland, BBC, Russia, China, France, and (if you pull your blinds and turn out the lights) the infamous Al Jazeera. All this is free with a low speed DSL connection, no antennas, and a netbook computer that sells for less than some SW radios. Learn how easy it is in this live demonstration.

1330 – The Radio St. Helena Project (Robert Kipp) - Live from Europe via Skype, Robert discusses the radio construction project on St. Helena, takes us on a visit to the BBC Ascension Island relay, and perhaps even a little sightseeing on St. Helena and Ascension. If all goes according to plan, you might even be able to ask Robert a few questions and thank him personally for Radio St. Helena Day. [75 min.]

1515 - Radio Free Asia - Today and in the Future (AJ Janitschek) - Many (hopefully all) of you have heard of Radio Free Asia. Here is your chance to hear it from one of their own. Find out more about RFA’s frequencies, QSL cards, and jamming but don’t ask about the location of their transmitter sites! (Aw, go ahead. Ask.) [45 min.]

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