[IRCA] 1100 Wobbler, it's baaack.
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[IRCA] 1100 Wobbler, it's baaack.

Our old friend, the 1100kHz Wobbler -- presumed R.Cadena Habana, 
Havana -- is back strong to extreme.

Here's a complete run-down of Wobbler activity at the moment:
590-w / 750-m / 930-v / 950-w / 1100-X / 1:17 am ET, May 20 2007
[Strength assessments:  v-very weak / w-weak / m-medium / S-strong / X-xteme]

Not much different than usual but for the heightened activity on 1100.

W. Curt Deegan
Boca Raton, (southeast) Florida, USA
[Ten-Tec RX-320D; LFE H-800 Vertical]

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