[IRCA] My 1st TRANS-ATLANTIC on an ULTRALIGHT!!! 1134 Khz Hrvatksi Radio CROATIA!!!
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[IRCA] My 1st TRANS-ATLANTIC on an ULTRALIGHT!!! 1134 Khz Hrvatksi Radio CROATIA!!!

Hi Guys:

Well....it is with Great pleasure that I announce I have Logged my FIRST Trans-Atlantic AM BCB Station on an Ultralight Radio this evening.
From 1915 to 1948 EST I had a Nice reception of Hrvatski Radio from ZADAR 
CROATIA on 1134 Khz.
This was logged on my Brand New ETON E-100 SLIDER Ultralight that just 
arrived in the mail earlier this afternoon from the West 
Coast  Modification Team of Steve Ratzlaff and John Bryant with some 
Coaching from Gary Debock.
I saw on the Reflectors that this was a good evening for 
Trans-Atlantics...so I thought what better time to try it out....the first 
place I looked was 1134 Khz...as I have heard this before on the BIG Radios 
, and knew it does a good job into Ontario when the band is good.
So...thanks to the efforts of the above mentioned DX'ers who were 
instrumental in me obtaining this Ultralight DX Monster Machine...I present 
my logging......
1134 Hrvatski Radio Zadar, CROATIA Nov/07/08 1915-1948 EST Croatian PR-GOOD Male and Female in Slavic Language at tune in presumed Croatian language. Deep Fades but Real Nice Peaks in Audio. Talk from 1915-1922. Mention of "Hrvatski" by Female at 1922. 2 males Spoke at 1926-27. Instrumental Music @ 1927-1929. 2 males spoke again @ 1929- 1930. Another Mention of "Hrvatski" at 1930. Into POP Music with male Vocals @ 1932-1934. Still in @ 1945-1948. Female with Croatian Vocals/Music. Signal peaking at 4 out of 5 on the
E-100's Meter!!!

Is this the Farthest WEST in North America for a Trans-Atlantic on an Ultralight????
RELOG....But NEW on ULTRALIGHT # 526   Country # 11 on Ultralight  600 KW
4520 MILES
7274 KMS

What a Great Early Christmas Present this E-100 Slider has turned out to be!!! I am on Holidays for the next 9 days...and I think I'm gonna have me some FUN with this Radio!!

Robert S. Ross VA3SW
Box 1003, Stn. B.
London, Ontario

Antique/Vintage Radio Enthusiast
Amateur Radio Stations VA3SW/VE3JFC
Enjoy Ultralight Radio DXing......It's like being a KID again!!

Defy Physics.....Play Table Tennis!! (Ping Pong with an Attitude)

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