[IRCA] A Couple of SSS Logs
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[IRCA] A Couple of SSS Logs

1640 WTNI MS, Biloxi faded up nicely to a fair level, 11/19 at 1701, with "Talk Radio 16-40 WTNI" and into news. Sounded locally produced (i.e., not national network) and gradually into mush. (MH, NC)
1690    WVON    IL, Berwyn TENTATIVELY the one at poor to fair lvl, 
11/19 @ 1715, with a string of spots, national and local, with one 
"local" spot giving an area code and number as (773) 7.... About as TENT 
as you can get, hi! Area code and first digit cross checked on 
http://www.fonefinder.net/  (MH, NC)
Mike Hardester
Jacksonville, NC.
Toyota Highland
Embedded windshield antenna

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