[IRCA] Tonight's DX (1530 MA is or was on day power)
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[IRCA] Tonight's DX (1530 MA is or was on day power)

TAs include 621 Spain, 1521 Saudi, 693 unID and 630 uniD but likely France (sounded Frednch but way too weak to tell).
MA 1530 with reading from newspapers, too strong to be four watts nightime 
power. Stronger than Cincinnati.
But directionally MA doing well, WARE 1250 is fairly strong, for instance.

One new catch, 900 WUAM NY Watervliet, putting the hammer to CHML with Capital News 9 ID and - you guessed it - news. And, info re slippery road conditions.
Saul Chernos
Burnt River ON

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