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[IRCA] This week's TP DX

I've fallen woefully behind in reporting my TP logs for the past few days - a combination of being quite busy at work and getting sucked into watching the PBS TV series about the National Parks. Anyway, here is three days worth of TP DX in one fell swoop.
All three days turned out to be pretty good.  I reprogrammed the car 
radio for 9 kHz channels, and this morning was rewarded with clear audio 
from JOIB-747 w/English lessons 1350 while driving to work and time pips 
at 1400 while sitting in the parking lot at work.  Here's something 
really weird.  I recorded that part of the band on the SDR, but 
reception at 1400 was significantly better on the car radio - with 
selectivity as wide as a barn door and the antenna embedded in the rear 
window - than it was on the SDR-IQ and K9AY combination sitting at 
home.  Go figure.  The only difference I could tell was thar KFQD 
dominated on the home setup and was splattering quite badly onto 747 at 
the time, whereas the car radio had moderate KXL splatter.  I guess this 
fits in with some of the other strange reception differences us 
nor'westerners have been reporting so far this season.  The car radio 
also had hets on 693, 729, 738, 972, and 981, ad maybe others that I 
didn't have time to chase, but no other audio was noted.. 

Meanwhile, the SDR continued to faithfully record stuff while I slept 
in, got dressed, and drove to work all three days.  Conditions seemed 
pretty good alll three days.  Some highlights include:
Tuesday 9/29
549  Kremlin chimes 1159:30
640  KYUK, legal ID 1200, then woman in native language, no sign of KFI
738 Korean talk good, Taiwan in background 1225, HLKG ID by woman then 3+1 pips 1400 fair mixing w/woman in JJ (?), Woman in CC faded up after 1400 729 JOCK JJ talk only about 10 db weaker than Vancouver-730 1232, China dominant 1400
909   NHK time pips 1400
891   Weird mix of pips from 2-3 stns 1400

Wednesday 9/30
549 Russia w/Kremlin chimes 1200 mixing with 5+1 time pips (all the same pitch), not sure the pips were from the Russian or something else
738  presumed Taiwan alone in Chinese 1222, KBS pips u/Taiwan 1400
756  China good w/ theme melody & ID 1400:39
891 Weird mix of pips again, one sounded like from KBS, the other had two long and one very long tone (Thailand???) 890 KBBI good with wx and legal ID for KBBI and KDLL-FM 1400. No sign of usual pest CJDC
830   Probably KSDP with NPR news weak 1401
675   Vietnam good w/woman in Vietnamese 1343

Thursday 10/1
720 Possibly a woman in Asian language 1242. It's hard to get Asians here due to KIRO-710 splatter and KFIR/KDWN co-channel QRM
909     NHK pips mixing w/CC talk, both weak 1400
738 CC talk dominant, several long pips 1400 mixing with KBS 3+1 pips, good signal but weak audio on both, better 1401 w/woman in Korean
837   Mix of 2-3 sets of pips 1400, too weak to decipher
850 KICY good o/KHHO w/ Christian music, legal ID, into pseudo s/on anmt 1400
750   KFQD monster signal with local news items, jingle ID, CBS news o/KXL

Now to go pack for a fun filled weekend at Grayland

Bruce in Seattle
SDR-IQ receiver and K9AY antenna

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