[IRCA] Tonight's TAs
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[IRCA] Tonight's TAs

Jim Renfrew, Holley NY

Not much going on earlier, but I have some TA action around 11 PM EDT. By the way none of this is audible on my other wires, only on the new flag antenna.
693    UK    weak
756 Germany huge! I usually have some sort of "birdie" here, but the DLF signal is very strong.
837    UNID    weak
855    Spain RNE    fair
864    UNID    weak
909    UK BBC      fair
1089    UK  Talksport    fair
1107 Spain RNE5 // web audio (dead on 1107, no sign of the high side het)
1125    UNID    weak
1143    UNID    possibly Spain COPE, still trying to dredge more from this
1215    UK    Absolute
1269    Germany    DLF // 756
1332 UNID very weak
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