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Rick Lewis wrote:
Yes, Stephen,
You're talking about 1240 KPPC in Pasadena, CA, owned by the Pasadena Presbyterian Church, which ran 100 watts. Both 1230 KGFJ in Los Angeles and 1260 KGIL in San Fernando ran reduced power on Wednesday nights and Sundays when KPPC was on. I don't know what year this arrangement began, but I believe it ended in the 1970s.
Off by two decades, believe it or not! The former KPPC and KGFJ came 
under common ownership in the early 1990s, as did the 1240 in San 
Bernardino, which also had to reduce power when Pasadena was operating 
on Wednesdays and Sundays. That owner, Douglas Broadcasting, finally 
pulled the plug on 1240 Pasadena around 1995.
It was around that same time that the three-way Chicago sharetime came 
to an end as those three stations on 1240 came under common ownership.
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