Re: [IRCA] 4. Re: SDR Recommendations? (Bruce Portzer)
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Re: [IRCA] 4. Re: SDR Recommendations? (Bruce Portzer)


I haven't seen much difference so far, but I've only had the Perseus for a few days. FWIW, I tried listening to KEX-1190 a few minutes ago (8:50 PDT) - it was weak and only partially understandable on both receivers at 150+ miles. I wasn't really able to rate one as better than the other in terms of reception quality, although they sounded a bit different. I'm planning to take both on a DXpedition later this month, which should provide a better comparison. I've DXed with Perseus owners and out side by side results were about the same. Published specs are also similar, as I recall.
The G31 Excalibur can record up to 2000 kHz of spectrum, and the more 
expensive G33 version can record 4000 kHz.  The Perseus  can do up to 
1600 kHz.   The difference doesn't matter much if you're only interested 
in recording the AM broadcast but it might if you also plan to record 

On 7/12/2013 21:12, Anthony R Gargano wrote:
On Jul 12, 2013, at 9:16 PM, irca-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Thanks for the comments, Bruce. Since you have them both side by side, putting the UI issues aside, do you find one outperforms the other?

Message: 4
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 09:43:06 -0700
From: Bruce Portzer <bportzer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
Subject: Re: [IRCA] SDR Recommendations?
Message-ID: <51E0321A.3000100@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi Anthony

I've owned an Excalibur for the past two years, and very recently added
a Perseus to my radio collection.  Both are quite good receivers.   I'm
not aware of any Mac software to run either radio, although there may be
third party software I don't know about.

I've been generally happy withe the User Interface that comes with the
Excalibur.  I'm much less impressed with the Perseus UI, but I've only
been using it for a couple of days and may need to give it more time.

I haven't run into the recording issue Nick mentions.  I routinely use
the Excalibur to record 2 MHZ sections of spectrum (MW & SW) with no
problems.  That's with a quad core (i5) CPU in my PC. The problem could
nonetheless occur with older, slower PCs (single CPU and possibly some
low end dual core PCs).


Anthony R Gargano
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