[IRCA] TP DX for December 21
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[IRCA] TP DX for December 21

I can't say I had nearly the fun Gary had today. Overall, I would call it a mediocre morning here, but it was quite a bit better than the past few sessions. There were several frequencies with interesting carriers, such as 1179 1188 1395 1404 1431 and 1449, but they never produced any audio. Otherwise, reception was limited to the usual powerhouses.
The SDR recording began at 1250 and showed very little until after 
1500.  There was a definite enhancement centered at about 1530.
Good - mostly understandable by a native speaker
1566 - HLAZ, various announcements in Chinese 1528-33. Briefly faded, then man in Chinese 1537, song 1541 1575 "Welcome to the Voice of America in Burmese" 1530, then fanfare & start of Burmese pgm, good until about 1545, still producing audio 1604
Fair - occasionally understandable by a native speaker
693    JOAB, woman in JJ, bits of music 1520 fair in CBU splatter
750    KFQD, ID & CBS news 1300 mixing with Portland & Montana
890 KBBI, BBCWS pgm to 1359, ID, jazz fill to TOH, then BBC news mixing with CJDC
972    KBS, mostly poor but faded up briefly with KK talk 1503 & 1537

Poor - recognizable program content
594    JOAK, JJ talk & time pips 1300
747    JOIB, woman //693 1521
774    JOUB, woman & music //693 1519
1422    weak talk 1527 & 1540
1557    Taiwan?, woman in Chinese 1529-34, heavy domestic splatter
1593 Probably China, good carrier but brutal 1590 splatter, woman talking 1540
Bruce in Seattle
Winradio Excalibur
K9AY antenna
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