Re: [IRCA] Radio's Digital Dilemma
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Re: [IRCA] Radio's Digital Dilemma

On 01/01/2014 09:37 PM, Chuck Hutton wrote:
And would I be correct to assume there has been no new adaptor of AM IBOC in say 3 or 4 years? If so, I'll round this off and say half of the IBOC soldiers have suffered mortal wounds and the other half have numbered days.
Not quite correct... there have been two or three additions to the IBOC 
list in the last few years.  The most curious one is WDGY-740, a little 
2.5 kW daytimer in Wisconsin, who were noticed running IBOC about a 
month ago.  The FCC website has no indication that WDGY has notified 
them of digital operation, though.  WDGY does have a CP to increase 
power to 5 kW, so I suspect that they may have acquired a new 
transmitter, and are running IBOC more or less by accident.
Aside from these few anomalies, the numbers have shown a steady decline 
in the past five years or so.

Barry McLarnon  Ottawa, ON

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