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Re: [IRCA] coastal TAs...

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Why not Benin for 1566?  Or, for that matter, UK?

I'm surprised that the western TA reports aren't mentioning the 1521 Saudi.
I heard them in 1986 from El Paso, TX (Residence Inn near airport) on a 
Sony '2010 with then-KOMA 1520 nulled.
1521 starts peeling the paint off the wall this time of year here in 
MA.  Often the loudest TA and frequently good 2+ hours pre-sunset at 
beach sites.
Mark Connelly, WA1ION
South Yarmouth, MA

Never checked until late because of earlier arrangements, but TAs were in here too. Many frequencies showed faint carriers. Poor audio on 1215 and 1566 only. 1215 was probably the UK, but I don't know who was on 1566 as I
have never logged a TA here, but could have been Iran.

Mike in St Isidore, AB

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