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General info on the Beverage
How to
Get a perfect Beverage
How thick, what material?
From radio
to antenna
Ground and terminate
here's how
Remote control of the Beverage
Love letters about life with
a Beverage |
of stranded copper wire
George, K0FF
Top Band mailing list, May 24, 2000
I have tried fence wire, and it does work AOK, but in this climate
(NE MO) it seems to break a lot more than the 18Ga stranded electric
wire that I settled on (inspection of broken ends indicates metal
The small Ga. soft copper does stretch, and I have to re-tension
it once in a while, but I like it because it because no real damage
is done if a tree limb falls on it.
The 500 footer (135 degree) and the 300 foot vertical Beverage (180
degree-3Y0PI) off the bluff are made from 10Ga. as they have to
support their own weight for the entire run.
I also always install a "weak link" at both ends, that will easily
break, and spare the Hub box , just in case someone snags the main
run with a tractor or delivery truck or something.