More on
General info on the Beverage
How to
Get a perfect Beverage
How thick, what material?
From radio
to antenna
Ground and terminate
here's how
Remote control of the Beverage
Love letters about life with
a Beverage |
in the woods
on Top Band Antenna list, June 2000
W8AV: I have strung my two wire beverage through the woods
with no problems.
Like others mentioned I also use the electric fence insulators and
simply nail them to the tree in question.
If you use the 450 ohm ladder line for the beverages, it fits nicely
under the lip of the insulator after it is nailed to the tree.
Since we don't get the serious New England snow in Ohio I hang my
beverages 8 - 10 feet up.
Peter Hutter, WW2Y: I and N2NU use screw eyes in trees to
support the beverage wire.
The wire is only anchored at feedpoint and termination ends of the
antenna. For tree supports in between the ends of the antenna, the
wire just goes through the screw eyes so that the wire can slip
back and forth from oscillating trees, caused by winds.
We use runs between supports up to 200 feet using #14 THN copper
wire with great success from this method.
We tried electric fence insulators in the past, but got tired of
fixing broken spans all the time, even using copper clad steel wire.