Some tips
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Some tips

This message is sent by Risto Kotalampi <rko>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

Some tips taken from latest DXclusive no.708 bulletin:

6014.7	often	1840	R Tanzania, Zanzibar heard in Sweden	FK/SWB
6237.94	Jul.14	0040	R Superior, Naranjos heard in Sweden	HEJ/SWB

Switzerland: UN Radio Geneva testing on 10461 kHz at 0600 and 1800 UTC
and on 17520 kHz at 1200 UTC.

# Risto Kotalampi                 # Tel:  +358-31-3165955     #
# Kotanet Communications Ltd      # GSM:  +358-40-5051690     #
# Kanslerinkatu 8, 33720 TAMPERE  # Fax:  +358-31-3165957     #
#          # Email: rko@xxxxxxxxxx     #
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