Asia/Pacific DX on 08/15/95
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Asia/Pacific DX on 08/15/95

This message is sent by "Byron L. Hicks" <blhicks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

I found some choice dx on August 15th.  I tuned to Radio Pyongyang and 
received a 54444 at 1101UTC on 6576 kHz.  I know that's not dx, but it 
did let me know that the South Asia stations were hearable.  This is what 
I logged:

Freq	Station			Prog Info			Time	SINPO

7160	RTM/Kuching, Malaysia	End of EE News report/Music	1109	21121
4890	NBC Papua New Guinea	End of EE News report		1111	22222

My location is in Las Cruces, NM, USA.  My rig was a Kenwood TS-690S HF 
Transceiver attached to an 80 meter dipole.
* Byron L. Hicks              (505) 526-9026              bhicks@xxxxxxxx *
* Engineering Technology Student              New Mexico State University * 
* Southwest Technology Development Institute     Shortwave Radio Listener *
              SWL Homepage:

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