Re: RTV Malagasy
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Re: RTV Malagasy

This message is sent by "Lowe Technical Services, USA" <loweusa@xxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

> This message is sent by schaay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michiel Schaay)
> to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
> RTV Malagasy was noted here in the Netherlands. Here is an excerpt from my
> logbook:
>  Frequency : 5009.5
>  Station   : RTV Malagasy, Madagascar
>  Date      : 21-08-95
>  Time (UTC): 18:52
>  Details   : non-stop pop ballads, 18.59 male announcement, 
>              National Anthem, signing-off at 19.00 (SINPO 24332)
> Hard-core-DXers in Central or Western Europe can try to catch Radio Vanuatu on
> 3945 kHz between 19.00 and 19.30 hours UTC. According to one of the
> contributors to my tropical bands column in the Benelux DX Club bulletin, they
> have been logged in recent weeks. Also NBC Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea is
> noted on 4890 kHz around 20.00 hours UTC.
> 73's
> Michiel

Great log of RTVM.  Even in the middle of winter, that 1900 si/off is 
out of our reach here in ECNA.  Seems to me they sign back on at 0330 
or so but there is a QRM from a co-channel South American at that 
time.  They are a tough catch here. 

Lowe Technical Services, USA
Chuck Rippel 
(804) 340-0109

E-Mail: loweusa@xxxxxxxx
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