Camp logs from Germany
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Camp logs from Germany

This message is sent by b0019@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Adam)
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

Seems that my posting from yesterday wasn't
processed. So I've another try....

Logs from the DX-Camp at Hassfurt 
Germany, 30.9-3.10.95 (roughly 50N 10.5E),

North America 

930  0430 2.10.95 CAN CJYQ, E, GTO-oldies
1380 0454 30.9.95 CAN CFDA, F, talks
1390 0507 1.10.95 USA WXTC, E, sport talks
1510 0213 2.10.95 USA WNRB, E, rel. px (bible study)
1540 0538 1.10.95 USA WPTR, E, talk-px (phone-in)
1570 0420 2.10.95 CAN CKMW, E, C&W-mx, wx, id
1590 0318 3.10.95 USA WARV, E, rel. song, sermon
1590 0322 3.10.95 USA WSMN, E, country mx

Central America 

1400 0133 2.10.95 GRD Harbourlight of Ww., E, rel. px
1540 0412 30.9.95 BAH R. Bahamas, E, James Bond-melody
1570 0508 2.10.95 GTM tent. R. Vea, S, rel. px
1570 0049 30.9.95 DOM R. Amanecer Int., S, rel. px //6025
1610 0232 2.10.95 AIA Caribbean Beacon, E, emphatic sermon

South America 

770  0433 2.10.95 COL RCN-Bogota, S, news, //1380
860  0530 3.10.95 B   R. CBN, P, talk by OM, late peak for B
940  0532 3.10.95 B   R. Brasil, P, braz. pop-mx, 
1030 0205 3.10.95 ARG R. del Plata, S, phone-in, arg. mx
1040 0208 3.10.95 B   tent. R. Capital, P, talks
1190 0201 3.10.95 B   R. Tropical or R. Cidade, P, nx by OM
1280 0129 3.10.95 B   R. Tupi, P, abt. Peter & Paul (rel. px), 
                      strong signal
1380 0512 1.10.95 COL RCN-Tunja, S, nx abt. Peru, USA a.o.
1380 0122 30.9.95 VEN pres. Ondas del Mar, S, talks, ment. VEN often, 
                      pres. because of condx, no COL at that moment
1390 0311 2.10.95 VEN pres. Fe y Alegria, S, slow sp. songs
1470 0111 30.9.95 VEN R. Vibracion, S, typical ven. mx
1500 0129 30.9.95 VEN R. 2000, S, ven. mx, id
1510 0029 30.9.95 VEN Informativa 15-10, S, abt. conference, ven. mx
1520 0444 1.10.95 COL tent. Ecos del Palmar, S, LAM-mx, no anns or id 
                      at 0500, going on after 0500, any idea?
1590 0446 30.9.95 COL R. Metropolitana, S, talks


1395 0159 2.10.95 ARM Armenian R, Armenian, s/on, id
1528 0158 3.10.95 EGY Iraqi Army Radio, A, politics 
                      (hostile Saddam H.)
1530 0259 1.10.95 STP VOA-Sao Tome, E, I-S, id, nx
The upper end 

3934,05 1615 2.10.95 INS RRI Semarang, Ins, talks, Vn-mx, off at 1649
3935    0550 1.10.95 NZL ZLXA, E, readings, nice signal
4183    0230 1.10.95 BOL R. 11 Octubre, S, id, reactivated
4702,2  0021 30.9.95 BOL San Borja, S, pan-flute mx
6188,2  0041 30.9.95 PER R. Oriente, S, talks
7165,2  0013 30.9.95 NPL R. Nepal, Vn, s/on-procedure, //5005


RX: mod. NRD 535 D & mod. Lowe HF 225 Europe
Ant: several longwires/slopers 100-200 m at 0, 15, 45, 315, 330 deg.     

Thomas Adam

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