Gatflash! bulletin nr. 66
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Gatflash! bulletin nr. 66

This message is sent by golzio@xxxxxxxxxxx (Flavio Golzio)
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

Posting the latest issue of Gatflash! Bulletin...


*                                GATFLASH!                                     *
*              The Bulletin of GAT (Gruppo Ascolto Torino)               *
*                                write to:                               *
*              GAT,P.O.Box 108,I10024 Moncalieri(TO),ITALY               *
*                                                                        *
*                              or contact our                            *
*              GAT BBS, open Monday and Thursday 20-24 UTC               *
*                            tel. +39114111022                           *
*                                                                        *
           Reproduction of material is allowed if provided the credit

Again a lot of tips,thanks to everybody! GD la tua lettera ? giunta solo oggi 
8 gennaio,i tips sono troppo vecchi ma GRAZIE per gli Auguri.Contrariamente a 
quanto detto sul 65 la DW in Italiano continua in Onde Corte su 7285 e 6015 
(anche se annunciano 7105 che non ? usata!!) Il Club Dx ? ormai colonizzato 
dai Satelliti.Si parla solo di questo.Il Brasile da spettacolo sui 25 m e ve 
lo consiglio invece di guardare la tv.Per chi non dorme(e non ha disturbi): 
le medie,che son sempre li!    
Deadline 67:   january 23 
fax +3911755216 
tel +39113858670 
GATBBS +39114111022 mon-thu  2100-0100  Italian Time     

8 GENNAIO 1996

Freq      Day        UTC      Station                              SIO
792       17        1320      Chiltern R. Supergold mx EE          444       GD
837       28        1845      COPE Sevilla SS Nx Andalusia         343       RP
930       30        2345      CJYQ  St. Johns EE Rock Mx           242       RP
940       30        2345      CBM Montreal EE Phone Show           242       RP
1278      27        0102      Great Yorkshire Gold Bradford  EE Id 454       RP
1280      30        2315      Super R. Tup? Rio PP Greetings       353       RP
1440      31        0015      R. AM o Dia Rio de Janeiro PP tlk    131       RP
1636      30        0055      Karel Doorman Dutch id mx            343       RP
1636      31        0241      R. Mario DD id s/off                 454       AM
1648      30        0025 0118 Live Wire Radio EE mx id phone call  343       AM
1773      30        2040 2045 UNID Italian Speech yl and Italian mx 
                              USB WHAT'S?                          242       AM
2310      31        2030-2100 ABC VL8A Alice Spring mx tlk in EE 
                              nothing on 2325                      242       WM
3222.1     5        2205      R. Kara afro mx                      343       WM
3230    24 5        1934+2200 R. Oranje mx EE tlk                  454    RN WM
3231.8     5        1557      Tent RRI Bukittingi low modulation   342       WM
3255    24 5        1932+2205 BBC Lesotho relay NOT World Service  454    RN WM
3270    24 5        1930+2214 NBC Namibia speech in EE             454    RN WM
3306       5        1906      Zimbabwe BC  rock mx                 544       WM
3316    24 5        1937+2207 Sierra Leone BS Freetown tlk in VV   343    RN WM
3320       5        1938      Tent R. Pyong Yang tlk in EE         433       WM
3326    24 5        1939+2210 R. Nigeria Lagos tribal song         343    RN WM
3335       5        1940      CBS Taipei mx                        344       WM
3345       5        1941      RSA in PP external service to MOC    444       WM
3356       5        1942      R. Botswana rock mx                  444       WM
3366    24 5        1943+2215 GBC Ghana mx low mod                 444    RN WM
3375       5        1945      R. Nac de Angola rock mx             333       WM
3395.1     5        1602      RRI Tanjung Kar Warta Berita//9680   242       WM
3925      30        1550 1615 R. Mariquita LA mx id tlk in SS 
                              (are you sure?ed)                    242       AM
3976.05 31 5        1601+1542 RRI Pontianak S=5/7 but mod weak     343       WM
3985     30 31      1600 1800 R. Sparks in EE via IRRS(on 30 UN R.)433       AM
4000.0     5        1547      RRI Padang light mx                  322       WM
4015       5        1950      R. Vaticana Rosario // 4005 New qrg 
                              strong signal                        555       WM
4765.9     7        0007      RRI Medan  tlk                       222       RN
4770      31        2110      R.Kaduna Croatia go away nice loc mx 244       WM
4820       7        0015      TENT R. Son La   tlk                 222       RN
4828       7        0017      ZBC tlk                              222       RN
4860       7        0020      AIR Dheli                            433       RN
4895      24        0030      R. IPB AM                            333       RP
4902      24        0100      Sri Lanka BC in Sinhala tlk om       343       RP
4930    22 25 7     2250+0030 R. Internacional tlk SS mx adv       322    RP RN
4940    24 7        0043+0032 AIR Guwahati  mx                     343       RN
4950       7        0035      R. Nac. de Angola tlk PP             333       RN
4959.7     7        0037      TENT R. Hanoi tlk                    222       RN
4990       7        0042      AIR Madras  mx                       322       RN
5010       7        0045      AIR Thiruvanathapura  tlk            333       RN
5025    25 7        0010+0050 R. Rebelde SS nx                     343    RN RP
5032       1        1346      R. Roks in DSB rock mx,from Belarus? 253       WM
5040    25 7        0320+0055 Voz de Yopal disco mx                333    RN RP
5045      30        2125      R. Cultura do Par?  early rx         232       WM
5046.2   1 5        1550+1553 RRI Yogjakarta mx tlk Bahasa         232       WM
5522      25        0020      R. Sudamerica  mx                    121       RN
5995      27        2340      RTM Bamako // 4835 tlk mx 9+10dB!    544       WM
6025      24        2240      RTM Kuala Lumpur CC tlk              333       RP
6025      24        2250      FRCN Enugu  Christmas Mass           222       RP
6090       4        2326      R. Bandeirantes //11925  sport       243       WM
6199.5    31        0940      R. Caroline France mx  low mod       243       WM
6207.3    31        0930 1000 R. Laguna then CWR better signal     544       FT
6207.85    7        1220      R. Ozone at 0945 was R. Pamela here  322       FT
6240.8    31        1045      R. Perfekt GG mx                     544       FT
6254.8    31        0938      R. Brigitte in DD                    333       FT
6255      17        1103      TENT R. ECC mx EE                    422       GD
6260.0    31        1124      I.M.R. in GG standing by at 11.25    243       WM
6260.5    31        0930+1330 Transatlantic R. s/off 0930 again on 
                              at 1330 1342                         353    FT WM
6271      31        1040      R. Arena  distorted audio            422       FT
6283.5     1        1100      WNKR in EE                           333       FT
6290      24        1030 1110 FRSH EE mx id                        232       AM
6292.1   31 1       0845 1330 R. Horizon Terrible German Folk mx 
                              id drift 6295.5                      353 AM RP WM
6400.0    31        0950      R. Free London  mx lsb only          232       WM
6914 usb  31        1030      UNID Eastern Europe Comms,Feeder?    343       RP
6954.0   25 31      0245+0759 Free R. Service Holland Testing to 
                              North America                        444    AM WM
7230      31        1127      AWR Dx Magazine Villani with Cobisi 
                              and Pavanello                        454       WM
7483.9    31        1011      R. Marabu plus R. Wave special       433       FT
9505      25        2150      R. Record  Nx PP                     222       RP
9565   25 30        2310+2125 R. Universo Curitiba  mx             233       WM
9630      25        2320      R. Aparecida PP rel                  232       RP
9640      31        2050      TENT Ecos del Torbes under BC la mx  121       WM
9675    25 5        2034+2300 R. Can?ao Nova rel tlk as usual      433    RP WM
11705       5       2040      R. Nova Visao tlk in PP              242       WM
11765     5 6       2010      R. Universo terrific audio.Spurious 
                              on 11860/11865                       252       WM
11785   24 30 5     2042+2130 R. Guaiba Noticias PP                242       WM
11805       5       2038      R. Globo tlk PP  Het qrm             232       WM
11812.8    30       2330      R. Brasil Central"Jornalmente con te" 
                              drift here                           154       WM
11814.8  29 5       2017      R. Brasil Central Sport Live from Rio454       WM
11830   29 30 5     2036+2332 R. Anhanguera ylk in PP              232       WM
11855       5       2032      R. Aparecida PP id jingle            254       WM
11915     29 30     2335+2140 R. Gaucha, Weather:temperatures 27ø  153       WM
11925       5       2020      R. Bandeirantes  id PP noticias      354       WM

AM andrea maestri parma sat 700 whip 
GD gaetano domina vieux conde france r5000 dipoles
RP roberto pavanello vercelli egz dx101 indoor active antenna egz 
WM walter mola torino jrc525 random 25 mt at Montgenevre France 
FT flavio tos azeglio r5000 dipole 22 mt  
FG flavio golzio torino jrc525 inverted v 

R. Vision Cristiana 535 p/d qsl from Mr Wendell Seymour(hrd in Dominican Rep.)
                        1 irc  45 dd       WM
RTBF Liege          1233 letter  v/s  Mamine Pirotte Directeur Regional 
                        1 irc  28 dd       RP
CFRB                1010 2 St Claire Av. Toronto M4V 1L6 Canada letter info
                        1  $   32 dd       RP
R. Alpha & Omega    7230 Mukolnyy Lane 1 k 2 Moscow 123290  letter 
                        1  $   60 dd       RP


VATICAN  Heard on January 5 a strong signal from R.Vaticana on 4015 in // with 
usual out of band 4005.Signal coming here with 9+30dB.May be a test,reception 
is better as 4005 with qrm from rtty,but now seem to be on regular service. 
Walter Mola
BRASIL  A real good reception from ALL operating Brasilian stations on 25 mb 
was possible in the evenings on last days with some signal peaking till 9+10dB.
Only station not heard R. Mec. R. Clube Paranense and R. Record NOT ACTIVE. 
Reception will be better in next weeks. Tune in! Walter Mola    
INDONESIA  Here follow a usual survey of Indonesian RRI tunable here on January
5 : 90 mb  3203.8 at 1555 slow music unid may be RRI Bandung. 75 mb 3995.0 at 
1602 only carrier,here RRI Kendari is active.60 mb 4874.0 RRI Sorong and 4855.8
RRI Palembang possible at 1558.Identified are in the log. Voice of Indonesia 
ever on 9525 with powerful signal in the evenings (1900 2100) Walter Mola
LESOTHO/BBC On 5 January at 1930 transmission from Lesotho Relay of BBC 3255 
isn't in parallel with other BBC World Service,this mean that BBC Lesotho 
produce local programs? or what? someone has ideas? Walter Mola

End of number 66...

Flavio Golzio     golzio@xxxxxxxxxxx

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