3375 CPBS and TBL
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3375 CPBS and TBL

This message is sent by dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Willi Passmann)
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

In DXW 9/95 Z. Liangas wrote: 3375 CPBS // 7935 w classic msx @2020 , 22432
These freqs are not refered in the WRTH 96  nor  in the Tropenbandliste of
Willi Passmann (Liangas Apr 15)

Dear Zacharias,

you should mention that you are working with the October 1995 edition of
TBL. This list is updated permanently, which means that even new items
mentioned in DX programs are included to the list *the same day*.

Of course CPBS 1 on 3375 kHz is mentioned in the recent edition with the
following schedule: o855-1735, 1958-oo3o, ID: Zhongyang Renmin Guangbo
Diantai, // 322o, 4460, 5320, 6o5o, 6125, 675o, 684o.

This info was updated in 2/96. How about getting a new list? :-))
(sry could not resist)

73 and good listening.

Willi, DJ6JZ

     Famous last sentence: "I do not think that Windows will crash now".
       _/_/   Willi Passmann, Oberhausener Str. 100, 45476 Muelheim, Germany
     _/_/   Org. Media Consulting
    _/_/    M.E.A 65 Magnetic Loop Antenna      TBL Tropical Band List
  _/_/     Tel./Fax: ++49-208-779399 (National 0208-779399)
 _/_/      E-Mail dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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