Re: R. Ilucan
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Re: R. Ilucan

This message is sent by mschaay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michiel Schaay)
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

Beste Mark,

>Before I'll do something very drastic to my computer-system (format my
>harddisk and install al stuff again, to clean things up), I'd like to share
>one logging with you...

Oef .... dat heb ik ook een paar keer gedaan. Pure stress ! 

>Well, I hope to have everyting working again tomorrow...:-))))

Als je dit leest wel .... :-)


          -  Michiel Schaay     (mschaay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)  -
          -  Postbus 139, 3940 AC Doorn, The Netherlands  -
          -  Telefax: +31 343 416244                      -
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