please confiorm reception ! last logs till 4/12
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please confiorm reception ! last logs till 4/12

This is a message from Zacharias Liangas <zliangas@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Due tio unknown  problems  with my mailer i use here Eudora 
Therefore please confirnm receptipon of this mail 

Monitoring of R tashkent : 
4850  for nearly all this week  at most times  is QRMed from unknown R/S at
levels 33433 tried but diod not find the ID of trhe station. MAy be from India? 

mesages of 4 /12 

------FIRST TIME LOGGINGS !!!!!-----
RX with SONY ICF7600 D , LOWE can't listen due to its internal noise :( 

JAPAN 9595 R Tampa 2155 Yl speaking 22222 after 2300 strong QRM from 9600
from VoA 
that inhibits listening 3+4 dec Liangas Greece

URUGUAY 9650 Em Ciudad de MOntevideo !!! OM x 2 speaking sports , ina very fast 
speaking signal max at 2 , 22222 but after 0030 QRM from VoIRI at same QRG 
 4 Dec Liangas Greece
Tried to log for reception report but siognal many tiems was marginal sothat i 
could not either tape it for further analysis 


BRAZIL 9630 R Aparecida OM spg @2300 34433  4 Dec Liangas Greece

BRAZIL 6180 RN amazonas OMspkg 2305 32323  4 Dec Liangas Greece

PHILS 6190 R veritas Asia in CC @2253, then musical IS  in EG abt next xtion 
in IN 32432 Later 2300 at 9615  4 Dec Liangas Greece

BRAZIL 9645 R bandeirantes msx prg 23232 @2315  4 Dec Liangas Greece

MALAYSIA 9750 in IND w sx then general nx @2345 34333  4 Dec Liangas Greece

INDOENSIA 9680 Signal seems to fade up after 2300 with best at 33333 at 2315 
HOwever @0016 at 9630 for 4 dec signal was at 32332  4 Dec Liangas Greece

TAILAND 9655/9680  with news at 0010 stronger at 9655 . With news and financial 
news at 0045  4 Dec Liangas Greece

New QSL letter from V of Armenia v/s Levon Ananikian in 120  days after f/up
did not however received the 1 st letter (?) of April . Personal letter 
comenting that very rarely they receove letters from Greece

New programming guide for V a Arm  96-97 

864 kHz , 4810 kHZ 4990 kHZ 7480 kHZ 

15-1530 Azeri 
1530-1545 Georgian 
1545-1630 Kurdish 
1700-1730 Russian 
1730-1830 Armenian 
1830-1845 Turkiah 
1845-1900 Engoish
1900-2000 Arabic 
20-2200 Armenian 

2055-2130 French 
2130-2200 Anglish
2200-2215  Spanish
2215-2245 Amenian 

0730-0800 Armenian 
800-815 Spanish 
855-930 French 
930-1000 Anglish
0200-0230 Armenian 
0230-0245 Spanish 

mesage of 2-12 

reception with SONY  radio on 27-29 NOv others ( 1+2. Dec  )with LOWe ) 

JAPAN 9750  NHK Asian Sce  in JJ  with sx @1400 , 34333 LIangas Nov 29 Th Greece

BULG 9825 R BUlgaria in BU @1525 w nx , 33443 LIangas  Nov 30 Th Greece

UKRANIA 9610 R Ukraine IS ID in UK w nx @1500 , 22x32  LIangas  Nov 30 Th Greece

AUSTRALIA 9615 RA nx @1500+08  33433  LIangas  Nov 30 Th Greece

VATICAN 9645 R VAticano IS @1459 n in GE @1509 44444  LIangas  Nov 30 Th Greece

ITALY 9670 RAI RAI Intl IS 1459 , int nx IT @1510 55555  LIangas  Nov 30 Th

CHINA 10260 CPBS Min Sce in MO @1445 33433  LIangas  Nov30 Th Greece

S AFRICA 9685 Ch Africa nx ID in EE @1511 ,24322  LIangas  Nov 30 Th Greece

--- report on RFA w new QRGs 7495  w ID @2331 , 33333
	RFA again 7530  good 44444  LIangas  Nov 30 Th Greece

NORWAY 15170 V of dem Burma W OM spokg 1106 , 55555  LIangas  dec 1  Th Greece

TIBET6200 Lhasa PBS @1254  w pop folks 24422 LIangas  dec 1  Th Greece

GORGIA 4875 Grorgain R @1257 w psycho old songs then after 1300 with  VOA Eu
bad  modulation 34423

RUSSIA 4975 VoR @1402 w nx 22342  LIangas  dec 1  Th Greece

NETH 5835 RN @1559 IS in dutch ID & frqs twds E EEurope & E Africa  , low 
LIangas  dec 1  Th Greece

Greece 6260  VoG prg ingrk @2130 w grk folks 24232  LIangas  dec 1  Th Greece

UZBEK 7105  T toshkent  nx conts refs to Uzbekistan ,2432  LIangas  dec 1
Th Greece

GHANA 3366 GBC 1 pipe organ , and relig prg 2142 , 34222  LIangas  dec 1  Th

LIBERIA back here in RCom Lib OM pin pidgin english  refs to Rwanda 22150  
323222 LIangas  dec 1  Th Greece

USA 5835 NF (WSHB) //7510  R monitor Intl w eccl msx @2157 34323 5835 soff at 

ITALY 9565 RAI Intl in IT @2207  strong RM from the iraqi stataion at 62 and 67 
22242  LIangas  dec 1  Th Greece

New QSLs 
R japan ,on 20 mb , in 30 days w leaflets , prg, QSL card w no data ,
rece[ption log in 
twice etc
AWR Asia also in 30 days 9495 CH programming 

MY page already updated but with minor modofocations this time : 
-last logs  fron 1 Oct to Nov 
-My [photo 
-New FM stations listed