Re: UNID 1300 kHz/WETT address
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Re: UNID 1300 kHz/WETT address

This is a message from Stefan Wikander <stefan.wikander@xxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx

At 14:23 1997-03-03 EST, you wrote:
>This is a message from dave_kenny@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
>"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx
>Form: Memo
>Text: (17 lines follow)
>>From further analysis of the Sheigra DXpedition recordings I have a UNID 
>North American on 1300 kHz:-
>Quite a clear ident which sounds something like "...CJD3 102.7 FM".   
>I've not been able to match 102.7 to any of the AMers listed on 1300. Any 
>ideas anyone??  

Why not PJD2 which I think is on the air but I don`t know if they have 102.7
FM also.

Stefan Wikander 
>(Florida was dominant at the time with very little audible from Canada so 
>the call is a puzzle )
>Also,  my first "reply" from the reception reports this morning was in the 
>form of a returned letter from WETT (1590 AM) , PO Box 785, Ocean City MD 
>21842 - it was marked "forwarding expired".  
>Anyone know their current address?? 
>Thanks and 73, Dave Kenny
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from  Stefan Wikander,pl 2326,S-840 70 Hammarstrand, Sweden
email:  stefan.wikander.@xxxxxxxxxx