LOG: Net0697 from Italy
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LOG: Net0697 from Italy

Udine - Italy, 970621.
Dear friends,
Thank you for exchange Hot News with our Radiorama magazine!
Here my contribution for this mounth....


Francesco Clemente


   P.O. Box 128
   I-33100 Udine - Italy.

RADIORAMA, italian mounthly Director
DWSCI, 823 member
DXer from 1970.

RX Conditions:

City area:
FC, from Udine at 110 mt. a.s.l. G.C. 46.03N / 13.15E
RX Drake R4B + DGS1 Frequency Synthesizer
ANT LW 20 mt. E-O

Rural area:
FCc, from Ceresetto di Martignacco (Udine), at 150 mt. a.s.l.
RX JRC NRD535D full opt. + Collins 390A/URR
ANT Wire 50 mt. E-O

Mountain area:   
FCr, from Ravascletto, at 1,000 mt. a.s.l.
RX Drake R7
ANT LW 30 mt. E-O   

LOGS until 970621!
Frequencies in kHz and Times UTC.

ZAMBIA  4910  R. One Lusaka  2122  africam mx  very good!  QRK 4  (FCc Clemente, June 20)
EQUATORIAL GUINEA  5003.67  R. Bata  2125  vernacular mx  QRK 4+  (FCc Clemente, June 20)
TURKMENISTAN  5015  R. Asgabat  2126  local talk  QRK 4-  (FCc Clemente, June 20)
BENIN  5025  R. Parakou  2128  french dialogue  QRK 3-  (FCc Clemente, June 20)
EQUATORIAL GUINEA  6250  R. Malabo  2129  flamenco music //5004!  QRK 3  (FCc Clemente, June 20)
SIERRA LEONE  3316  SLBC Freetown  2140  light mx  QRK 2/3  (FCc Clemente, June 20)
NIGERIA  3326  R. Nigeria, Lagos  2145  music  QRK 3  (FCc Clemente, June 20)
MALAWI  3380.1  MBC Blantyre  2147  english talk  QRK 2/3  (FCc Clemente, June 20)
BRAZIL  4805  R. Dif. Amazonas  2150  music  QRK £  (FCc Clemente, June 20)
SWAZILAND  4760  TWR Manzini  0320  vernacular sermon  QRK 3-  (FCc Clemente, June 21)
COSTA RICA  5030.12  AWR Latin America  0322 sermon  'los verdaderos hijos de Dios no
                     tiénen una religión de circumstancia..'  QRK 3  (FCc Clemente, June 21)
CUBA  5025  R. Rebelde  0325  music program  QRK 2/3  (FCc Clemente, June 21)
UNID prob. SWAZILAND NOT ZAMBIA  3330  relg. program in portuguese  0335  QRK 3-  (FCc Clemente, June 21)
GUATEMALA  3300  R. Cultural  0345  english program  QRK 2/3  (FCc Clemente, June 21)
VENEZUELA  5000  Observatorio Naval CAGICAL  0402 'al oír tono serán Zero Horas,
                 Dos Minutos, Zero Segundos'  QRK 3+  (FCc Clemente, June 21)
COLOMBIA  5019.3  Ecos del Atrato  0410  Noticiero internacional  adv. Chevrolet  QRK 2/3  (FCc Clemente, June 21)
COSTA RICA  5054.5  Faro del Caribe  0418  talk QRM tones  QRK 3  (FCc Clemente, June 21)
PERU  4914.4  R. Cora del Perú  0430  light music  QRK 3  (FCc Clemente, June 21)
PERU  4990.95  R. Ancash  0440  huayno music  QRK 2/3  (FCc Clemente, June 21)
ECUADOR  4919  R. Quito  0443  noticiero internacional  very good! QRK 4/5!  (FCc Clemente, June 21)              
COSTA RICA  4831.8  R. Reloj  0452  adv 'un regalo especial..'  QRK 2/3  (FCc Clemente, June 21)
VENEZUELA  4830  R. Táchira  0550 and more!  '11 años del programa folclorístico y musical 
                 "Romance, Copla y Sabana" 'buena música en esta madrugada!'  QRK 4  (FCc Clemente, June 21)

73's and Good DXing from Italy to everybody!

