[HCDX]: What a difference a NRD makes.......
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[HCDX]: What a difference a NRD makes.......

Surprise, surprise!!!! They are still active. What I mean is New Star Broadcasting. With my new NRD-525 I started digging for this station again and was surprised to hear them on 15388 kHz again for the first time in five years. This is probably due the selectivity of the NRD and the fact that CNR 1 on 15390 kHz shuts up on Tuesdays from around 6-9 UTC. Here the log....

15388.04 0800-0805 New Star Broadcasting (cland.) Oct. 7, 1997, usual IS and opening as "Di-er tai" or second program. SINPO 23332

For fellow nit-pickers: the other noted frequencies were 8300.01 kHz, 9725.00 kHz and 11429.99 kHz. The fact that - except 15388 kHz - all channels are good on frequency must mean good, stable transmitters (Taiwan?). Also here in at my location this station has quite unstable reception. One day it's booming in, the other hardly audible. If -and it's a big IF - these signals are coming from the nearest shortwave site (30 km), then could this be explained?

More monitoring to be done. Take care and stay healthy.


Hans van den Boogert - DSWCI 3029
Tucheng City, Taiwan
JRC NRD-525, Panasonic RF-B65L, Datong FL-3
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