Re: [HCDX]: New Star Broadcasting (2)
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Re: [HCDX]: New Star Broadcasting (2)

>Hans van den Boogert wrote:
>>Also here in at my location this station has quite unstable reception.
>>One day it's booming in, the other hardly audible. If -and it's a big IF -
>>these signals are coming from the nearest shortwave site (30 km), then could
>>this be explained?

Michiel Schaay added:
>Groundwaves tend to behave somewhat erratic. I suppose this correlates
>with the
>actual geomagnetic figures, but I'm not an expert on propagation theories.
>Anyway, I remember when Radio Netherlands' European lunchtime transmission in
>English was still coming via their Flevo site, I could sometimes hardly
>them, while on other occasions they boomed in. Since they use German relay
>for this transmission, they always boom in :-))

Howdy All,

I don't know if this is any help, but I had this experience with FEN (now
"AFN") in the 1980s when they were still on shortwave, 3910, 6155, 11750,
and 15260 kHz, all 10 kW from Tokyo, 450 km from where I live. 3910 and
6155 were both perfectly stable, the first from sunset to sunrise, the
other for the rest of the day. 11750 and 15260, however, showed two
comopletely different propagation patterns. Normally these would come in
only during the daytime, mostly in the summer. But sometimes -- quite
often, in fact -- they would boom in with astounding S strength in the
winter (and NOT in the summer), only very late at night, especially when
sunspot activities were low. On other days, of course, they were totally
absent. These occurrences always coincided with abnormally high LUF (nobody
on 9/11/15 MHz bands at night).

Unfortunately I have no prolonged experience with shortwave signals from as
near as 30 km, but the few times I was in downtown Tokyo in the 80s, just
20 km from the FEN transmitters, all shortwave frequencies were hard to
pick up (S=2), while AM 810 from the same site was 55555.


Sonny M. Ashimori   <sonny@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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