[HCDX]: Re: LOG: MW (Juke Box Memories)
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[HCDX]: Re: LOG: MW (Juke Box Memories)

Hi Piet, and everyone else reading this.

Piet, what you heard on Juke Box Memories was actually a single which
came out in 1980 by a group called the Barracudas called "Summer Fun",
which (he said thumbing his way through my Guinness Book Of Hit Singles)
was a minor UK hit which reached No 37 on the EMI Wipe Out label.  It
doesn't seem like 17 years ago, but I remember clearly the unusual
introduction which is the (spoof?) advert for the Plymouth.  I've no
idea if it was taken from a real recording of KJR, or whether it was all
made up for the record.  From what I recall, the "Wipeout" sequence
which followed all the "Baccaruda" nonsense was not the original, but
the Barracudas' cover.

How's that for trivia!

It's another of those obscure records which you NEVER seem to hear on
the "gold" stations here in the UK.  Does Harry Chapin's "WOLD" ever get
an airing these days?

Right, now it's time for someone to post a hot DX tip before I get too
lost in nostalgia from my schooldays!

73's - Ian Kelly, Reading

-----Original Message-----
From: Piet Pijpers <Piet.Pypers@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: bdxc-news@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <bdxc-news@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 16 November 1997 13:59
Subject: [BDXC-UK] LOG: MW

>DX Information from the British DX Club.
> The programme content of JukeBox Memories on 864 kHz
> was interesting this morning at 0435: back to 1966 with ''Sunny''
> by Bobby Hebb, followed by OM announcing Saturday Programme
> on KJR (KJR, Seattle, still on 950 kHz). I transcribed this
>Plymouth jingle, then:
>Dealer: I'm a Plymouth dealer, I deal in men and right now I'm
>giving the best deal ever on that deal, fast moving, fastback
>the Plymouth Baccaruda.
>Young man: Hey man, the name of the Plymouth fastback is the
>Dealer: I know...I can't pronounce Baccaruda!
>Young man: Hey, that is a bad thing, man, like you being a Plymouth
>dealer and not being able to say Barracuda!
>Dealer: I'm hip, I mean, I know...
>Young man: Oh well, look man, try this...
>Dealer: What?
>Young man (begins to sing and swing and the dealer sings and
>swings along): BA-BA-RA-RA-CU-CU-DA-DA..... that's it man!
>Dealer: BA-BA-RA-BA-CU-CU-DA-DA..... Yeah, still not right, huh?
>Young man: Well, it isn't Barracuda, man, but I think we got a hit
>Part of ''hit'' follows.
>OM IDs again, mentions Seattle and ''Wipe out'' by the Chantays
>is played.
>JukeBox Memories fades away.
>                                73        Piet
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