[HCDX]: R Dif Nac de Colombia ID
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[HCDX]: R Dif Nac de Colombia ID

Hello all who speak Spanish,
	Going further through my recordings (now the 28th Dec), I have a fairly
clear ID on tape from the new station in Uribia on 610 kHz. After "desde
Uribia" the announcer says something like "capital digela de Colombia".
It's the second word that puzzles me. I don't know Spanish well enough to
know if there is such a word as "digela", but that's what it sound like.
Help would be very much appreciated.
	By the way, I didn't know that they had local ID's! Has someone sent a
report to Uríbia and if so, what were the results?

Mauno Ritola, e-mail: ritola@xxxxxxxxxxx
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