Re: [HCDX]: Re: WRTH Future
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Re: [HCDX]: Re: WRTH Future

At 03:35 AM 1/14/98 +0011, David Onley wrote:

>Anyone know what the story is about the WRTH ?

The correct answer is that there is no story... at least none that we know about. None of us -- Sennitt, Marks, myself -- involved with the WRTH have been told of any decisions. You can try writing Glenn Heffernan, the publisher, at gheffernan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to see what he has to say, if anything.

Heffernan was very uninterested in a copyright violation of a receiver review I did for the WRTH two years ago. The review appeared on a Web site in, as I recall, Michigan, but nothing happened when I informed the offices in NYC.

Tom Sundstrom, W2XQ
WRTH Contributor

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