Re: [HCDX]: NEWS: 1224 Q Radio
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Re: [HCDX]: NEWS: 1224 Q Radio
>At 07:41 PM 1/13/98 +0100, you wrote:
>>Tapeloop on both 828 & 1224 kHz mentioning FM frequencies
>>of ''Hitradio Veronica'' and announcing they have left AM.
>>1224 with a difference: A new station, ''Q Radio', is announced.
>>It will start transmitting on Jan 16.
>Yes, and 828 will switch to Arrow Classic Gold ( Nice
>to see one lousy station go and two good ones coming back instead. Hope I
>can catch them here in Taiwan one day :-)
They are both on already, I get them all day long as I am living close to
the German-Dutch border. The only problem is that both programme formats
are excellent - don_t know which one to prefer (Classic Rock and Blues) :-))
BTW: Q Radio is transmitting in Dutch and English, while on 828 kHz I only
heard Dutch announcements.
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