[HCDX]: TFW 49 1/3
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[HCDX]: TFW 49 1/3

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1997 - 1998  Part  1
Year 3 -  Number  49  - Rome, 21 January  1998
QTH:  xxxxxxxxxxx
PHONE: +39 6 5126255 
FAX: +39 6 5126262
E-MAIL: g.serra@xxxxxx
The Four Winds on Line  - Copyright 1997 - 1998 Newsletter edited by 
Giovanni Serra, Rome - Italy.
                             TFW on Line Policy
1) TFW on Line covers only the SW Broadcasting  Specrum.
2) Subscription rate:  as a non  commercial newsletter, 
    there is no fee to subscribe TFW on Line.
3) TFW on Line is distributed to Individuals, DX Editors,
    Clubs and Organizations, asking for the reciprocal exchange of  
    DX Bulletins and / or contributions.
4) Excerpts may be reprinted,translated, e-mailed and / or 
    transmitted with appropriate credit, unless Copyright indicated.
5) Not to be redistributed or reposted without permission. 
6) Suggestions and ideas are welcome. 
7) If you no longer wish to receive TFW on Line  please, 
    drop me a line.   
loggings in order of  time;  frequencies in kHz;  times UTC;  
ham codes as usual;  Reporting  signal quality: Loc  = local 
signal; E = excellent; G = good;  F = fair; P = poor; 
VP = very poor;  A = avoid.  (also in SINPO or SIO code)



A.I.R. DX MEETING - With the great loss of our President, next A.I..R.
(Associazione Italiana Radioascolto) DX Meeting will be held here in
Italy on May 1, 2 and 3 1998 in Sirolo, Marche Region. More news soon. 

ANNUAL WINTER SWL FESTIVAL - 11 th Annual Winter SWL Festival March
12-14, 1998,  near Philadelphia, more than 225 attendees, coverage by
Spectrum on WWCR. Great time had by all in past years. Info,
registration: < http://www.trsc.com/swl_fest.htm > (Tom Sundstrom, NJ

EDXC - The 36 th annual European DX Council conference will be held in
Gothenburg, Sweden on 28 - 31 August 1998. It will be organized by the
Swedish DX  Federation. (NASWA Journal, Dec. 97)


LUIGI COBISI - Mr. Alberto Gandolfo, President of AIR - Associazione
Italiana Radioascolto (Italian Radiolistener Association) died on Jan.
5th, 1998, aged 53, in Turin, following a heart surgery operation. A
longtime listener, Alberto Gandolfo was elected as AIR  President in
1986 and three times re-elected. His dedication to local  organisation
of our Association led to the opening of many regional sections and the
regular holding of the Cesana DX Camp. Italian and international
listeners and DXers in these very days operating on the "Attilio Leoni
Contest" share deep sorrow with his family. Radiolisteners and Clubs
wishing to send messages to the family can address the E-mail to: <
air@xxxxxxxxx >  Thank you for your attention, Luigi Cobisi.

WALTER MOLA - May be a particular day in Indian subcontinent to
celebrate in January 6 ? Strange: Pakistan and Nepal opens a transmitter
for one day only... ideas suggestions?  (Walter Mola, Italy / Gatflash!
# 114)   

Thank you  for all our Contributors !

BOB HILL, Littleton, MA, USA via e-mail   RX: Sony ICF-2010 with Kiwa
filters  - ANT: an old Radio West ferrite loop --- a dipole about 75
meters long and about 12 meters high
BRUNO PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama Pirate News
January # 4   via e - mail    RX:  Kenwood  R-5000 - Yaesu FRT-7700 
ANT:  15 meters LW - 12 meters dipole - loop & Daiwa AF - 606K filter < 
http://www.arpnet.it/~air/welcome.htm > <  http://www.radiorama.it >
CHARLES BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA  via e-mail  RX:        ANT.:
DAVID CLARK (DMC), Thornhill, Ontario, Canada via e-mail    RX    Drake
R8 / JRC NRD-515  with Sherwood SE-3  ANT.: -   Carolina Beam +  JPS
ANC-4 noise phaser
DAVID  J. VALKO,  USA for Dunlo DX News via e-mail   RX: JRC NRD-535D -
Collins R-388     ANT.: 33 meter (NE-SW) Longwire "T"
DSWCI - Danish Shortwave Club International, Denmark,  ShortWave News #
1 January 1998 Vol 42 , QSL Corner,  URL: < http://swl.sds.se/ > 
FLAVIO GOLZIO, Italy for Gatflash! #  114  via e-mail     CO.RAD. web
page: < http://www.net4u.it/ari/corad.htm >
FRED KOHLBRENNER,  Philadelphia, PA, USA  via e-mail  RX:  Drake R8,
NRD-525, Datong FL-3   ANT.: ANC-4, 100' LW   Welcome !
GIOVANNI  SERRA, Roma, Italy (ed.)   RX:  JRC NRD 525  ANT:  Alpha Delta
DX SWL-S Sloper  (40 feet)  & JPS NIR 10 filter
GLENN HAUSER ( GH ), Enid OK,  USA  for  SW/DX Report Jan. 15    via
e-mail    < http://www.grove.net/~ghauser/ > < http://www.hotmail.com >
HENRIK KLEMETZ,  Bogota, Colombia for Dateline Bogota  January 12, 1998
via e-mail
MARK VELDHUIS, Borne, The Netherlands via e-mail    RX: AOR AR7030 - JRC
NRD-535 - Lowe HF-150 -Sony ICF-SW7600G   ANT: Appr. 20 meter longwire +
MLB and RF Systems SP-2 antenna splitter
PEDRO ARRUNATEGUI, Lima, Peru   for Casqui DX #  110  via e-mail    RX:
Icom IC-R 71 E    ANT:   42 meters dipole
PIET PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands  via e-mail    RX: Lowe
HF225E     ANT.:   20 meters longwire.
PLAY DX, Milano, Italy  #  963 January 5  1998, Edited by Dario
Monferini, via snail mail
THOMAS R. SUNDSTROM, Vincentown,  NJ, USA ( via e - mail )  RX: JRC NRD
535  - Lowe HF-150    ANT: 100m inverted-L, top about 30m off the ground
(for NRD 525 ) - 25m wire running vertically into the top of a tree (
for Lowe HF-150 ) TRS Consultants < http://www.trsc.com >   <
Contributing Editor, Radio Netherlands' < http://www.rnw.nl > Media
Network > < Contributing Editor, "Radio and Communications", ACP Syme
Magazines < http://www.trsc.com/rc_aus.html > < Contributing Editor,
Radio, Suite 101 < http://www.suite101.com >
ZACHARIAS LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece via e-mail   RX:  Lowe HF 150 -
Philips 2935 - Sony ICF 7600 D   ANT:  6 meters sloper  ATU hand made  -
11 m hor ( for 40 m - 60 m ) - 6 m antenna tilted upward  <
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas >  SHORTED ! <
http://www.clandjop.com/~jcruzan/greek-p.html >  (mirrored for greek
pirate radio )

SW TIPS    (TIME - Freq. - Country)

0023- 4970.7- PERU- R Imagen, Jan 7, 0023, fair, presenter yawning,
"seguimos con el programa especial de esta y de todas las noches".
---KLEMETZ,  Bogota, Colombia / Dateline Bogota  January 12, 1998

0030- 7185- MYANMAR- R Myanmar, Yangon,  *0030-0110 Jan 6, usual opening
with drums/chimes and other local instruments, brief anmt by woman at
0031, domestic vocal to further anmts 0033-34, then pgme of Burmese
vocals. Brief anmts by man & woman ahead of childrens' chorus at 0051.
Talk by man at 0058-0103, then further vocals at 0103+. Strong
carrier/moderate audio level at opening, peaked better / fair to good
circa 0045 / 0055; fading down rapidly by 0110. Probably best and
certainly longest opening I've hrd so far. Yangon SR time is latest at
about end Jan. Also noted AIR 5010 at powerhouse level 0115+ to chimes
&ID at 0135, however no carrier whatsoever from R Nepal-5005. A2/K1 but
possibly enhanced too, just ahead of active conditions (0600 K=4)
precipitated by CME event of Jan 3rd. ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario,

0036- 17675- NEW ZEALAND- RNZI, 0036 Jan 11, woman with TC and pgme
note, then 'Chariots of Fire'  music. To fair peaks but deep fades on
this NF. ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

0100- 7003.4- PERU- R La V de las Huarinjas, Huancambamba, Jan 6, 0100,
canned ID: "La respuesta bien puesta: Yo escucho R La V de las
Huarinjas. A gozar, Huancabamba, con la mejor!"  Spkr hrd saying
"estamos traspasando fronteras" and that the signal is "para el Perú,
América y el mundo". ---KLEMETZ,  Bogota, Colombia / Dateline Bogota 
January 12, 1998

0118- 3330- ZAMBIA-  R. Christian Voice  0118  Man in heavily accented
English hosting New Year's Eve festivities, playing uptempo pop vocals
and sounding as if he might have imbibed a bit of the bubbly himself.
Said they would be "celebrating the New Year in style ... until 6
o'clock in the morning [0800 UTC]." Thought I heard mention of "Radio 2"
at 0155 and definite "FM 106.2" at 0200, but severe QRM from CHU's lower
sideband which, in theory, is suppressed--made copy difficult. This kind
of programming didn't sound at all like what one would expect from
Christian Voice, and I wonder if perhaps it might have been a relay of
R. 2 for the occasion. ---HILL, Littleton, MA, USA, Jan. 1)

0155- 5050- TANZANIA-  Radio Tanzania  *0155-0210  IS, m talk in
presumed Swahili. NA and ID at 0200. AR prayer. Local music. Poor.
---KOHLBRENNER,  Philadelphia, PA, USA,Jan 10)

0254- 5009.6- MADAGASCAR-  R. Madagasikara *0254-0315 IS, NA, male
announcer with opening announcements. Nice local music. Fair 
---KOHLBRENNER,  Philadelphia, PA, USA,  Jan 10)

0317- 4910- ZAMBIA- ZNBC  0317-0335  High-life/C&W/pop tunes. Male
announcer in local lang. Several "ZNBC" ID's.  Fair. ---KOHLBRENNER, 
Philadelphia, PA, USA, Jan 10)

0344- 3396- ZIMBABWE-  ZBC  0344-0402  High-life music. "Radio 4" IDs.
Into news at 0400.  Fair-poor. ---KOHLBRENNER,  Philadelphia, PA, USA,
Jan 10)

0434- 3920- CLANDESTINE- V. of the Communist Party of Iran  in USB 0434
Talk in Farsi interspersed with orchestral bridges (such as a few
measures of "Bolero") every 5 minutes or so; followed past 0445. Nice
signal here, coping with usual ham QRM as well as static; only fair on
// 4376.5, which seemed DSB. ---HILL, Littleton, MA, USA, Jan. 8) 

0434- 9809.95- KIRIBATI- R Kiribati,  0434-0545 Jan 7, telltale PPT
transmitter OC already on (muffled rushing noise) at tune in; *0459 with
tone followed by typical opening fanfare, then opening ID anmts and
lengthy local news by woman to 0519. Distinctively domestic native
islander vocals followed. Good steady signal; some audio in LSB but
concentrated as usual in the USB. ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

0519- 4935- BRAZIL- R. Capixaba (tent) in PT 18 Jan. 0519-0533, another
tentative for ID this station, as nobody is able for a clear ID till
today (hi !), BTW...M very excited sermon cheering crowd
only...(sporadic brief strong UTE covering station, brief splat voice)
Poor ---SERRA, Roma Italy

0534- 9494.76- ABKHAZIA- Republic of Abkhazia Radio, Sukhumi,  0534-0650
Jan 6, domestic vocals and jazz selections at startlingly good level
from  tune in; talk by man in Russian at 0545. Another typically
domestic vocal at 0556 until cut for Mayak IS at 0559:45, time pips and
presumed news by man at 0600. Similar music selections resumed 0605;
lengthy talk by man from 0620 and brief Mayak IS again to 0630. Talk by
man/woman to 0634, then mix of piano bar and band music. Mostly fair
(hampered only by QRN due to unusually warm weather) and clear to 0600;
thereafter sometimes bothersome QRM from both adjacent channels. Fading
down by 0650 tune out, this being 2 full hrs after xmtr SR. My 1st solid
log of this reportedly 5 kW outlet, often just a weak het if detected at
all. I' m certain reception was enhanced by commencement of active (K=4
at 0600) geomagnetic conditions. ---CLARK, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

0538- 3300- GUATEMALA- R.Cultural in SP 18 Jan. 0538-0552, rel song,
unclear M tlk in low modulation with poss ID under a strong CW, piano
slow mx (hrd in LSB) Poor ---SERRA, Roma Italy

0555- 4605- ITALY- RAI International in Russian 18 Jan 0555*, just in
time to hear National Anthem (Fratelli d Italia), then final M ancmt, ID
in Russian and S/OFF (as this fqy is not on schedule, presumed a
spurious, considering I live no far from two RAI shortwaves sites here
in Roma: Tor Pagnotta and Santa Palomba;  I' ll re check next days) Fair
---SERRA, Roma Italy

0601- 4783.38- MALI- R. Mali in FR 18 Jan 0601-0607, M ancmtwith
ID:....Radio Mali, brief tribal chant, few seconds of silence then
continuing  two voices tribal sing songs (QRM ute) F / P ---SERRA, Roma

0610- 4885- BRAZIL- R.Clube do Para (pres) in PT 18 Jan. 0610, romantic
Braz. songs, mx mix with M brief ancmt, W ancmt, fine western pop
song...sudden S/OFF at 0619 ! (slight het and increasing QRN for fine
sunrise in front of my bedroom window)  F / P ---SERRA, Roma Italy

0622- 5035.07- BRAZIL- R.Aparecida (Pres.) in Portuguese 18 Jan.
0622-0648, holy rosary till 0625 (first part by W, second part by M),
rel song, pres. phone call, collected by W, with rel chat and holy
rosary, rel song at 0632, W prayer, ancmts alt by brief rel song, M tlk
abt Maria. ( increasing QRN for sunrise) Poor ---SERRA, Roma Italy

0625- 6050- NIGERIA- FRCN; Ibadan, January 18, 0625-0635, News in
English with a very interesting sounding slogan, but, alas, unreadable
as a whole. Noted ID and religion: readings from the Book of Luke.
Strong enough signal, but modulation poor. ---PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn,
The Netherlands

0642- 6064- COLOMBIA- Colmundo; Bogota, January 18, 0642-0652,
''Colmundo'' jingle, frantic dance music, Western style. Signal plagued
by splatter from 6075. ---PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands

0707- 6089.84- NIGERIA- R. Nigeria (very tent.), 0707-0710, M tlk, poss
afropop...splash by strong Germany on 6085 ! V P / A ---SERRA, Roma
Italy January 18

0710- 6135- BRAZIL- Radio Aparecida, January 18, 0710, Brasilian
popmusic, several IDs on clear channel in slop adjacent ones. Parallel
to a very weak 5035. ---PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands

0740- 4960.5- VANUATU- R. Vanuatu  0740  Up to this reading from usual
4960 with Bislama talk and a couple of short South Seas vocals. Soft
instrumental at 0757, then talk past 0800; ID, if any, obliterated by
QRN. Something weak on 3945 at the same time was probably NSB, Japan; I
don't think Vanuatu normally runs two transmitters in parallel. ---HILL,
Littleton, MA, USA, Jan. 3)

0755- 6220- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits 18 Jan, Mx rock,ID in EE  
33322 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama Pirate News
January # 4

0759- 6275- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Free London 18 Jan, Rock mx(Beatles),ID in
EE 33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama Pirate
News January # 4

0803- 6266- PIRATE EUROPE- UK R.Int. 18 Jan, Rock mx,px in EE  22332
---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama Pirate News
January # 4

0803- 3960- UNID- Unid R. 0803  Somebody Jan. 3 with nonstop exotic
local music, mostly high voiced man "chant-singing" to the accompaniment
of bongo type drums. By 0915 or so, what I could hear of the music was
more monotonous just two notes, over and over, on a deeper drum. No
speech noted at any time. Very weak and clobbered by ham QRM after 0845.
Checked just before 0800 next morning, but not much readable through
midsummer QRN levels, although it seemed the same type of music as at
tune in the previous morning. Surely too late for even extreme West
Africa; unlikely RRI Palu or RRI Padang, both of which are a long way
from sunset at this hour. Perhaps an Irian Jaya or PNG move? Definitely
worth pursuing. ---HILL, Littleton, MA, USA

0805- 5805- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Free London 18 Jan, Pop-rock mx,ID in E(by
A.Walker) 33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama
Pirate News January # 4

0820- 12256- PIRATE EUROPE- Wrekin R.Int. 18 Jan, Pop-rock mx,ID in EE 
23332 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama Pirate News
January # 4

0834- 6270- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Torenvalk 18 Jan, Rock mx,ID,Zeddam box in
EE 23332 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama Pirate
News January # 4

0837- 4960- VANUATU-  Radio Vanuatu  0837-1002*  Choral singing at tune
in. W announcer in lang. Piano instrumental at 0858, and announcements
at 0900 by M with mention of "Vanuatu".  0940 re-tune to a religious
sermon/hymns. Instrumental "Jingle Bells" at 0937. Brief talk by m at
1000, and presumed NA. Fair-poor  ---KOHLBRENNER,  Philadelphia, PA,
USA, Jan 11) 

0858- 6209.3- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Freestyle 18 Jan, Dance-pop mx,ID,SRS QTH
in G  32232 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama Pirate
News January # 4

0858- 9595- JAPAN- Radio Tampa; Tokyo, January 17, 0858-0915, Talk in
Japanese with ID & TC at 0900. Weak signal getting somewhat stronger
along the way. ---PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands

0907- 7500- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Internazionale 18 Jan, Mx non stop,ID in
It,EE 43333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama Pirate
News January # 4

0914- 7339- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Mistero Ghost Planet 18 Jan, Mx(Pink
Floyd),ID,reports in It,E33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy 
for Radiorama Pirate News January # 4

0917- 6285- PIRATE EUROPE- Unid R. 18 Jan, Rock'n'roll mx,px in EE 
23322 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama Pirate News
January # 4

0920- 4864.41- BOLIVIA- Radio 16 de Marzo 0920-0935 Noted typical music
with comments and ID between tunes. Signal at this time was fair but
only when listen with LSB. The other side had QRM. ---BOLLAND, Lake
Worth FL, USA  January 10, 1998)

0940- 3234.9- PERU-  R. Luz Y Sonido  0940  Andean music. TC and ID at
0944 by M. Fair  ---KOHLBRENNER,  Philadelphia, PA, USA, Jan 10)
0947- 4924.17- BOLIVIA-  Radio San Miguel 0947-1015 Came in after sine
on missing ID, but noted a man in comments followed with music. At 0941,
a canned ID by a woman is presented. Signal was good. ---BOLLAND, Lake
Worth FL, USA January 10, 1998 )

0948- 6300- PIRATE EUROPE- Farmers from Holland 18 Jan, Dutch mx,ID in
Dutch  33333 ---PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama
Pirate News January # 4
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